SBR是一种间歇式的活性泥泥系统,其基本特征是在一个反应池内完成污水的生化反应、固液分离、排水、排泥。可通过双池或多池组合运行实现连续进出水。SBR通过对反应池曝气量和溶解氧的控制而实现不同的处理目标,具有很大的灵活性。SBR池通常每个周期运行4-6小时,当出现雨水高峰流量时,SBR 系统就从正常循环自动切换至雨水运行模式,通过调整其循环周期,以适应来水量的变化。SBR系统通常能够承受3-5倍旱流量的冲击负荷。
One,SBR process
SBR is an intermittent activity clay system,its basic features are completed in a reaction tank effluent biochemical reactions,solid-liquid separation,drainage,mud. Pool or pond can be a combination of double continuous running out of water.SBR reaction tank through aeration and dissolved oxygen control and achieve different treatment goals,with great flexibility.SBR tank usually runs4-6hours each cycle, the peak flow occurs when rainwater,SBR system will automatically switch from the normal circulation to the rainwater run mode,by adjusting its cycle,in order to adapt to changes in the water.SBR system is usually able to withstand shock loads3-5 times drought traffic.
Two,SBR process has the following characteristics:
(1)SBR process is simple,easy to manage,low cost.SBR process is only one reactor,no secondary sedimentation tank,no sludge return equipment,under normal circumstances do not need to adjust the pool,thus saving than conventional activated sludge process infrastructure investment by more than30%,and the compact layout, save land.Due to advances in technology,the current automatic control has been quite mature,supporting.This makes the operation and management has become very convenient and flexible,it is suitable for small cities to adopt.
Good(2)treatment effect.SBR process is not continuous reaction process,is typical of non-steady state process,but in the aeration phase change its substrate and microbial concentrations are continuous(albeit in a completely mixed state),with the continuity of time and gradually reduced.Activated sludge reactor in an alternating adsorption,absorption and biological degradation and changes in the activation process,and therefore good effect.
(3)have a good effect of phosphorus and nitrogen removal.SBR process can be easily achieved alternating aerobic,anoxic,anaerobic environment,and by changing the amount of aeration,reaction time and other aspects to create conditions to improve the efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus removal.
(4)good sludge settling properties.Special operating environment SBR process has inhibited the growth of filamentous bacteria in sludge,reducing the possibility of sludge bulking.And because the precipitation stage SBR process is carried out in the stationary state,and therefore better sedimentation effect.
(5)SBR process unique operating conditions determined adapts well to water quantity,water quality fluctuations.
Grille consists of a set of parallel metal fences or screen made of installed sewers,pumping stations at the inlet ends sump or sewage treatment plants for retention of suspended solids or larger floating debris,in order to reduce processing load subsequent processing structures,and make it function properly.
2aerated grit chamber
Aerated grit chamber is an elongated channel along the entire length of the canal
wall on one side,60-90cm from the bottom of the install aeration device,located in the lower part of the sand bucket set,the bottom has i=0.1-0.5slope to ensure sand slide.Since the aeration wastewater organic particles in suspension frequently,and subjected to rubbing sand aeration shearing force on the sand adhering organic pollutants can be removed,which is conducive to a more pure sand.The centrifugal force of the swirling flow,the larger the density of the sand thrown to the outside of the sand sunk groove set,the smaller the density of organic matter with the water flow is brought forward to the
next processing unit.In addition,water aeration can be deodorized,improve water quality,conducive to subsequent treatment,can also play
a role in pre-aeration.
3.Anaerobic tank
Drainage pipes and structures in order to make work properly,without affecting peak wastewater flow or concentration,need to be set before the conditioning tank wastewater treatment facilities.
For some reactions,such as anaerobic reactor for water quality,quantity and impact loads are more sensitive,so the appropriate size for the regulation of industrial waste water tank,water quality,water quantity regulation is to ensure the stable operation of the anaerobic reactor.Regulation pool is homogeneous and the role of both the amount of precipitation in general can be considered both,mixing,dosing, neutralization and pre-acidification and other functions.
4.SBR reaction tank
SBR method is better than other aerobic treatment effect,small footprint,low investment.SBR is referred to as the sequencing batch activated sludge process.The process sequence of the intermittent
operation at a predetermined time to run the reactor components.The running operation is spatially arranged sequentially, intermittently.
Continuous sequence of sewage into each pool,SBR reactor running operations on time is also arranged in sequence.A complete operation of the SBR process,that is,each operation of a batch reactor in the waste water treatment process,including the water of the reaction period,the precipitation period,the drainage of the mud,the idle period of five stages.This cycle of operation cycle is carried out,in order to achieve continuous sewage treatment.For a single SBR reactor,the effective control and change over time,that meet the requirements of a variety of functions,very flexible.
5.Touch pool disinfection
Urban sewage after primary or secondary treatment,water quality improvement, but also significantly reduce bacterial content,but its absolute value is still considerable,and the presence of pathogenic bacteria possible.Therefore,should be disinfected before water is discharged into water bodies,especially hospitals, slaughterhouses and other biological products and sewage contamination of pathogenic bacteria,should be strictly disinfected.
