摘要:1411375 Reactor pressure vessel shields TECHNIGAZ and NUCLEAR POWER GROUP Ltd 5 Oct 1972 [26 Oct 1971] 49771/71 Heading G6C A nuclear reactor pressure vessel, especially a prestressed concrete, high-temperature, gascooled reactor pressure vessel, includes a thermal shield comprising a metal layer, a flexible membrane and porous insulation between the layer and membrane, the layer and membrane being connected together by stud members and filter vents being provided between the insulation and vessel interior for pressure balancing and to provide controlled maximum pressure differential porting. In the embodiment of Fig. 1 layers of insulation 2 are clamped between the metal liner 1 and the flexible membrane which comprises pressure plates 5 whose adjacent edges are connected by flexible corrugations 15. A stud 6 is secured to the liner 1 and explosively welded to each plate 5. Various forms of gas-balancing passage and filter arrangements are described (Figs. 5-7, not shown). The voids within the corrugations are filled with moulded ceramic fibre. The corrugations may be formed as disclosed in Specifications 1,147,950 and 1,187,304. In the embodiment of Fig. 3 the shield is constructed for penetration by members passing through the vessel wall. The pressure plates 17 are apertured and mounted by means of a thermal sleeve 18 welded to a mounting garter strip (19) (Fig. 4, not shown) in the penetration shutter tube (20). In a modification (not shown) the flexible membrane comprises a single, thin sheet
which superposes, or is superposed by, rigid compression plates.
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