专利名称:Liquid reflector control for nuclear reactors 发明人:ACKROYD RONALD TUNSTALL,PERKS
摘要:1,161,599. Controlling reactors. UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY. 15 Dec., 1966 [23 Dec., 1965; 11 Jan., 1966], Nos. 54509/65 and 1269/66. Heading G6C. The core of a reactor is surrounded by a reflector comprising segmental containers filled with liquid reflector, the liquid content of the containers being variable to control the reactivity. As shown, the core of a fast reactor comprises upstanding fuel assemblies 11 surrounded by segmental containers 20 within a tank 16 filled with a liquid metal coolant consisting of a lead magnesium alloy. The containers 20 are filled with the same alloy and serve as the reflector. Each container has a pipe 23 at its lower end extending almost to the bottom of a corresponding sump compartment 24 and a pipe 15 extending upwardly from the roof of the compartment to a valve 26. In one position of the valve 26 a compressed supply of inert gas, e.g. argon, is supplied to the pipe 15 to keep depressed the level of the liquid alloy n the compartment 24 and thereby support the column of the liquid alloy filling the container 20. In the other position of the valve a vent pipe 28 extending from the top of the container is connected either to an inert gas source at a pressure slightly above atmospheric or to a high pressure source of the same gas. In both instances the container is emptied of liquid alloy to reduce the reactivity but
reactor pressure中文in the second instance rapid shut-down is effected. In a modification (Fig. 2, not shown), blocks of bree
der material float on the alloy within the containers 20 and upon change of level of the alloy assist in controlling the reactivity. In another modification (not shown) the coolant and reflector comprise water, the water content in the containers being varied by vaporization due to heat received from the reactor core. In a further modification (not shown) the reflector liquid carries fertile material and may form a paste or slurry.
