缩略词中文说明英 文 说 明
AC交流(电)Alternating Current
ACC无意见接收Accepted Without Comment
AEN带意见接收Accepted With Comment
AIA议标协议Award Intention Agreement
reactor pressure vesselAMS行政事务管理系统Administration Management System
ANSI美国国家标准协会American National Standards Institute
ASME美国机械工程师学会American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM美国材料试验学会American Society for Testing and Materials
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ATP开工令Authorization to Proceed
AWN额外工作通知Additional Work Notice
AWS美国焊接协会American Welding Society
B/L装船提单,运货证书Bill of Landing
BCL回填土检查单Backfilling Check List
BF扁钢Flat Bar
BHO厂房移交Building Hand Over
BNI核岛配套设施Balance of Nuclear Island
BO隔离办Blocking Office
BOP电站配套设施Balance of the Plant
BOQ工程量表Bill of Quantities
BS英国标准British Standard
BSI英国标准协会British Standard Institute
BTS技术规范Book of Technical Specification
BW对接焊,对接焊焊缝Butt Weld
BWR沸水堆Boiling Water Reactor
C&F离岸加运费价格Cost and Freight
CAE竣工状态(文件管理用语)Certified as Executed
CAR纠正措施报告(质保用语)Corrective Action Report
CCC货物状态证书Cargo Condition Certificate
CCL灌浆检查单Concreting Check List
CCP商务变更建议Contractual Change Proposal$ d  X+ V0 Y: n4 T3 n) O( ~* U
CEMDS设备或材料在现场交货条件Condition of Equipment or Material upon
- Y  f  i% x5 W% p% E# MDelivery on-Site
CEAR建筑安装工程一切险Construction & Erection all Risks
CFA可以使用Clear for Action
CFC可供施工使用(文件状态)Certified For Construction
CFT冷态功能实验Cold Function Test
CFT-RVO冷试-压力容器开盖Cold Function Test - Reactor Vessel Open
CHOC土建交接证书Civil Hand Over Certificate
CI常规岛Conventional Island
CIF到岸价格Cost, Insurance & Freight
CIN设备问题处理通知Component Intervention Notice
CLP中华电力有限公司China Light & Power Co. Ltd.
CM施工经理Construction Manager
CNEIC中国原子能工业公司China Nuclear Energy Industrial Co.
CNNC中国核工业总公司(中核总)China National Nuclear Corporation
CO商业运行Commercial Operation
COD商业运行日期Commercial Operation Date
CP建造许可证Construction Permit
CPL符合性消缺单Conformity Punch List
CPT临界前冷试Cold Precritical Test
CQU电厂质量放行Plant Quality Release
CRF澄清问题申请单Clarification Request Form
CRTC中国汽车运输总公司China Road Transportation Company
CS碳钢Carbon Steel
CTT安全壳试验Containment Tests
CW土建工程Civil Work
CWJ焊接接头目录Catalog of Welded Joint
DCM调试(日)例会Daily Commissioning Meeting
DCR设计变更请求Design Change Request
DDD国内直拨(电话)Domestic Direct Dialing
DEN设计修改通知Design Evolution Notice
DMS文件资料管理系统Document Management System
DOC资料中心Documentation Center
DP着探伤Dye Printing
DPS大亚湾公安分局Daya Bay Public Security Branch
DR偏差项报告Deviation Reports
DS设计规范(文件编码用语)Design Specifications
ECC设备状态证书Equipment Condition Certification
EDF法国电力公司Electricite De France (法语)
EEC安装竣工证书End of Erection Certification
EESR安装竣工报告End of Erection Status Report
EIR环境影响报告Environmental Impact Report
EMC制造完工合格证End Manufacturing Certificate
EMP机电(工程)包Electro Mechanical Package
EMR制造完工报告End of Manufacturing Report
EMS电气管理系统Electrical Management System
ENG技术实施细则Engineering Procedure Manual
EOMM设备运行维修手册Equipment Operation and Maintenance Manual
EOMR设备出厂报告End of Manufacturing Report
EP应急准备Emergency Preparedness
EPT性能试验结束End of Performance Test
: d& V/ Z; u: V) k文件Reservation Follow-up Sheet after EESR
ETF执行跟踪档案Execution Tracing File
FAC最终验收证书Final Acceptance Certificate
FBR快中子反应堆Fast Breader Reactor
FC按文件作施工准备For Construction
FCN现场变更通知Field Change Notice
FCO现场更改单Field Change Order
FCR现场修改申请Field Change Request
FD燃料交付Fuel Delivery
FL装料Fuel Loading
FOB离岸价格Free on Board
FP动火票Fire Permit
FPW全透焊,全透焊焊缝Full Penetration Weld
FS(经验)反馈单(Experience) Feedback Sheet
FSAR最终安全分析报告Final Safety Analysis Report
FSS全范围模拟机Full Scope Simulator
FTG岗位培训导则Function Training Guide
FU供使用(文件状态)For Use
FW装修工程,收尾工程Finishing Work
FW现场焊Field Weld
FW角焊缝,填角焊焊缝Fillet weld
GAF货物验收单Goods Acceptance Form
GCR气冷反应堆Gas Cooled Reactor
GCR网控室Grid Control Room
GEC通用电气公司(英国)General Electric Corp.
GEC/A通用电气/阿尔斯通公司GEC Alsthom
GEPB广东省环保局Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau
GGPC广东省电力总公司Guangdong General Power Company
GMAW气体保护金属极电弧焊Gas Metal Arc Welding
GN说明书(文件编码用语)General Notes
GNIC广东核电投资有限公司Guangdong Nuclear Power Investment Co.Ltd
GNPGSC广东核电服务总公司Guangdong Nuclear Power General Services Co.
GNPJVC广东核电合营公司Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Co.,Ltd.
GNRB核安全评审委员会General Nuclear Review Board
GQS通用质量规范General Quality Specifications
