关键词: SBR 废水处理工艺
This paper has summarized the water quality character and the water quantity character of sanitary sewage of district of Minbei* hospital . Adopted craft of SBR—Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process.A various processes for treating hospital effluents in the country are reviewed.According to status of the hospital wastewater from Polyclinic and contagion hospital was classified, futher three kin
d of wastwater treatment process:primary treatment,such as secondary treatment ,advanced Bio-treatment and sluge treatment was put forward. Based on summarizing of hospital wastewater treatment,treatment technology and method are put forward for hospital;By researching its install a new way is provided for  hospital wastewater treatment. In the comparision of existing disinfection methods for hospital sewage treatment projects, the kinds of disinfectant and its active chlorine content, and charcter of vdrious hospital sewage treatment technology were discussed.
A Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process technology for treating integrated hospital wastewater is introduced.The Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process,an important part of the technology,proves high efficient and high safe treatment of wastewater.It provides a practical and feasible(technology) for hospital wastewater treatment in China. By employing SBR method accompanied by detoxication process in treating hospital effluent.
Key words: SBR ;waste water ;handle craft
1  总论
1.1  医院污水处理的必要性 (1)
1.2  现行医院污水污物污染治理概况 (1)
1.3  医院污水处理站处理规模与治理目标 (3)
1.3.1  医院污水处理站建设规模 (3)
1.3.2  医院污水处理站设计进出水水质 (3)
1.4  设计原则 (4)
1.4.1  医院污水处理站设计的一般原则 (4)
1.4.2  医院污水处理设计程序 (4)
1.4.3  设计范围 (4)
1.4.4  设计依据 (5)
2  医院污水处理站工艺方案的确定 (6)
2.1  绪论 (6)
2.2  活性污泥法工艺的确定 (7)
2.3  医院污水消毒处理技术的选择 (9)
reactor technology2.3.1  各消毒法简介 (9)
2.3.2  消毒方法的确定 (10)
2.3.3  医院污泥处理 (11)
2.3.4  污水处理站位置的选择 (11)
2.3.5  工艺构筑物及设备 (11)
3  医院污水处理工艺设计计算 (13)
3.1格栅设计计算 (13)
3.1.1  设计概述 (13)
3.1.2  设计计算 (13)
3.2  调节池设计计算 (16)
3.2.1  设计概述 (16)
3.2.2  调节池的容积设计计算 (17)
3.2.3  调节池的尺寸 (17)
3.2.4  设备选型 (17)
3.3  SBR池设计计算 (18)
3.3.1  设计概述 (18)
3.3.2  SBR池设计计算 (21)
3.4  接触池设计计算 (26)
3.4.1  概述 (26)
3.4.2  接触池设计计算 (27)
4  医院污水处理站总体布置 (29)
4.1  污水处理站的平面布置 (29)
4.1.1  污水站平面布置原则 (29)
4.1.2  污水站的平面布置 (29)
4.2  污水站的高程布置 (31)
4.2.1  污水站高程布置原则 (31)
4.2.2  高程布置时的注意事项 (32)
5  公用设施及辅助设施建筑物 (34)
5.1 公用设施 (34)
5.2 辅助建筑物 (34)
