Tenth Stamicarbon
Urea Symposium 2004
Symposium 2004 - Paper 8w
Double stripper debottlenecking technology Case: Yuntianhua Group Co. Ltd revamp in China Author:
Licensing Manager Revamps & Services
Stamicarbon bv
The Netherlands
Table of Contents
1. Introduction (2)
2. Debottlenecking features (3)
3. Project execution experience (8)
4. Start-up experience (9)
5. Conclusions (11)
All technical and other information contained herein is based on general Stamicarbon experience and within this limit is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, no liability is accepted therefore and no warranty or guarantee is to be inferred.
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1. Introduction
Yuntianhua Group Co. LTD operates a Stamicarbon CO2stripping urea plant since 1977 in Shuifu, Yun
nan province in China with a design plant capacity of 1620 mtpd. The plant operated at about 10% above name plate capacity. At that time the Yuntianhua urea plant was one of eight Stamicarbon urea plants built in China in the middle of the seventies.
The client installed a deep hydrolysis unit to reduce the ammonia and urea content in the waste water to less than 5 vol-ppm. In the nineties Urea Casale was involved in a revamp project to install amongst other items high efficiency reactor trays.
In 2000 the client requested amongst others Stamicarbon to offer a technology to debottleneck the urea plant to a new design capacity of 2300 mtpd. Stamicarbon proposed the Double Stripper Debottlenecking Technology, which was already well proven at Saskferco in Canada.
At the same time the client awarded Hydro Fertilizer Technology a design for a 2300 mtpd granulation unit, however the client requested to keep the existing prill tower available for the production of prills.
Further the existing high pressure carbamate condenser needed to be replaced because of end of lifetime conditions. Finally the debottlenecking project had to be implemented in such a way that the necessary modifications could be implemented during a normal annual turn around.
This paper describes the revamp technology features, the project execution experience and of course the start up experience.
reactor technology2. Debottlenecking features
Figure 1 shows the flow scheme of the Debottlenecking Project for Yuntianhua to increase the plant capacity from 1620 mtpd to 2300 mtpd.
The higher CO2 compression capacity is realized by increasing the CO2 suction pressure. This was accomplished by a newly installed booster compressor located upstream the existing high pressure CO2 compressor. The CO2 booster compressor is a one stage centrifugal compressor, in this case electrically driven. At the same time the internals of the existing CO2 compressor needed to be replaced. In the discharge of the existing CO2compressor a hydrogen converter and a downstream cooler were installed to improve the safety of the urea plant.
Figure 2 shows a typical CO2 booster compressor.
Figure 2: Typical booster CO2 compressor
HP NH3 pumps
As the existing reciprocating HP NH3 pumps were getting maintenance intensive the client decided to install a new centrifugal HP NH3 pump in parallel with the existing pumps with a capacity to handle the new plant capacity. Figure 3 shows the new centrifugal HP NH3 pump at Yuntianhua.
Figure 3: New centrifugal HP NH3pump at Yuntianhua