    Dear Sir or Madam,
    My name is Timmy and I am 10 years old. I am writing to apply for the job of sales associate at your really cool clothing store. I may be just a kid, but I would be the hardest worker you ever had!
    I am excellent at helping people find what they need. Just yesterday, I helped my mom pick out a beautiful new dress for my aunt's wedding. She couldn't decide between the blue one or the green one. I told her the green one looked best because it brought out her eyes. She took my advice and got a ton of compliments at the wedding!
    I am also a great listener. Whenever my friends can't decide what to wear to school, I liste
n carefully to what they want to look like - cool, trendy, sporty, etc. Then I look at all their clothes options and pick out the perfect outfit. They always end up looking rad when they follow my suggestions.
    Another reason I would be an awesome sales associate is that I am obsessed with clothes and fashion! I watch all the runway shows online and read all the top fashion magazines like Vogue and Elle. I can tell you what's in style this season faster than you can say "haute couture." I spend hours on my video games creating outfits for my characters - you wouldn't believe how stylish I can make them look!
    But most importantly, I have a ton of energy and love working with people. Whenever my parents need help at their lemonade stand, I always volunteer because I get to meet new people and make them happy with my bubbly personality. I would greet every customer with a huge smile and make their shopping experience super fun! I bet I could even get some of the teenage boys interested in clothes shopping if you hired me. How cool would that be?!
    In conclusion, I may be young but I have a passion for fashion and a strong work ethic that would make me an asset to your clothing store team. I promise to follow instructions, work really hard, and dazzle your customers with my amazing style knowledge! Please hire me - I would be the best sales associate ever!
    Thank you for your time,
    Dear Hiring Manager,
    My name is Jamie and I am 10 years old. I am writing to apply for the job of sales associate at your clothing store. Even though I am just a kid, I think I would be really good at this job!
    First of all, I love clothes and fashion. Ever since I was a little kid, I have had my own sen
se of style. I like putting together fun and creative outfits. My favorite things to wear are bright colors, patterns like polka dots or stripes, and accessories like bows, hats, or jewelry that make my outfits pop. I also like dressing up - I have a trunk full of dress up clothes like tutus, capes, and costume jewelry that I play with all the time. So you can see I am already really into clothes!
    Secondly, I am a people person. I love talking to others and making new friends. At school, I am the chatty one who likes getting to know everyone. I am curious about people and always asking them questions to learn more about their lives, interests, and stories. I think this would help me a lot as a sales associate because I could make customers feel welcome in the store and listen to what they are looking for so I can help them find it.
for the sale    Another reason I would be good at this job is because I work hard and am responsible for my age. I get good grades, do all my chores and homework without being asked, and I even have my own small business selling handmade friendship bracelets. I take my commitments seriously and will show up on time and give 100% effort if you hire me. You can count on me!
    I may be just a fourth grader, but I am mature for my age. I know how to behave professionally. I am polite, well-mannered, and a great communicator. I wouldn't goof off or horse around at work. I would make sure to greet customers with a smile, ask how I can help them, listen carefully to what they need, and do my best to find it for them. I am not afraid to approach people and start a conversation.
    In addition to being responsible and polite, I am also really enthusiastic! I always have a positive attitude and bring a sunny optimism to everything I do. I will make customers feel happy and excited about shopping in your store. With my big smile and bubbly personality, I'll make their experience fun and delightful!
    I think you can tell that while I may be young, I am passionate about clothes and fashion, love working with people, have a strong work ethic, can act professionally, and will bring a energetic and joyful vibe to your clothing store. Hiring me will allow you to tap into the very important kid customer base - who understands what kids want better than an actual kid?
