Recently, I watched the hit HBO American drama Chernobyl, which is adapted from the explosion of the nuclear reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Soviet Union and Ukraine on April 26, 1986. It truly reproduces the whole accident process in the TV series.
The film tells that under the wrong order of the chief engineer and a series of illegal operations of the operators, the internal reaction balance of the nuclear reactor was broken and completely out of control. Under the joint action of fatal system defects, lack of management system, wrong command of on duty leaders and illegal operation of operation personnel, the largest nuclear power plant explosion accident in human history inevitably occurred. The accident caused $200 billion in losses and 60000-80000 deaths, and the impact of radioactive radiation will even last for thousands of years. In addition to the shock of the accident and disaster, I also deeply felt how important the operation and maintenance of safety standards is for safe operation.
In Episode 5 of the TV series, the protagonist of the trial conducted a retrospective analysis of the whole accident and pointed out all the mistakes made by the operation and maintenance personnel of the nuclear power plant in the whole working process, which can be called a typical negative teaching material. These errors may not cause any serious consequences independently, but the product accumulation of N errors will magnify the problem geometrically like a snowball, and finally turn into a huge accident disaster. As the protagonist in the TV series said, "every decision they make makes the reactor be pulled apart like a slingshot, more than anyone else."
By watching the series, I compared the errors with our production, operation and maintenance process and drew inferences from one instance, which made me have a more specific understanding of the safety requirements, system requirements and specification requirements in operation and maintenance. In the whole process of the accident, if any error is stopped in time, it may not lead to such serious disastrous consequences. These painful lessons remind me not to ignore any small mistake in safe operation, because it will eventually become a terrible monster and devour us!
在电视剧第5集里庭审环节主人公对整个事故进行了回溯分析,指出了核电站运行维护人员在整个工作过程中所犯的所有错误,堪称一个典型的反面教材。这些错误独立来看也许不会造成什么严重后果,但是N个错误的乘积累加就会像滚雪球那样将问题呈几何级数般放大,最后演变成一场巨大的事故灾难。就像电视剧里主人公说的:“他们做的每个决定,都让这个反应堆像弹弓一样被拉开,拉的比任何人都开。”ac reactor
