    Here's an outline for an essay on interview questions in English, written from the perspective of an elementary school student, with a target length of around 2,000 words:
    Title: My Interview Adventure
    Introduction (100 words)
    Mention that you're going to share your experience of being interviewed for something (a club, a team, a school program, etc.)
    Express your initial feelings (excited, nervous, curious, etc.)
    Briefly mention what the interview was for
    Body Paragraph 1 (300 words)
    Describe the preparation process
    How you found out about the interview
    What kind of research you did (about the organization, the position, etc.)
    How you practiced answering potential questions
    Any advice you received from family, friends, or teachers
    Highlight the importance of preparation
    Body Paragraph 2 (400 words)
    The interview day
    Describe the setting (where it took place, who was there)
    The first impression (how you felt when you walked in)
    The interview questions
    Share 2-3 specific questions you were asked
    Explain how you answered them
    Mention any challenges or surprises
    Your overall experience (how you felt during the interview)
    Body Paragraph 3 (400 words)
    After the interview
    Waiting for the results (how long it took, how you felt)
    Getting the news (how you found out, your reaction)
    Reflecting on the experience
    What you learned about interviews
    What you would do differently next time
    The importance of being yourself
    Skills you developed (confidence, public speaking, etc.)
    Conclusion (100 words)
    Summarize your overall experience
    Offer encouragement to others facing interviews
    Express gratitude for the opportunity, regardless of the outcome
    By following this outline, you should be able to craft a well-structured essay of around 2,000 words that shares your interview experience from a child's perspective. Remember to use age-appropriate language and keep the tone conversational and engaging.
    Title: Asking Good Questions in an Interview
    Introduction (150 words)
    Imagine you are going for a very important job interview for your dream job
    You need to make a good impression by asking smart questions
    Asking good questions shows you are interested, prepared, and thoughtful
    The interviewer will judge you based on the questions you ask
    This essay will discuss the importance of good interview questions and give tips for what kinds of questions to ask
    Body Paragraph 1: Why Asking Questions is Important (300 words)
    Interviews are a two-way street, the company is evaluating you but you also need to evaluate them
    You want to make sure the job and company are a good fit for you
    Asking insightful questions proves you have researched the company and role
    It demonstrates your curiosity and critical thinking abilities
    Asking no questions makes you seem disinterested or unprepared
    The questions you ask reveal your priorities and values
    Example of a good question: "What is the biggest challenge someone in this role would face?"
    Body Paragraph 2: Questions to Ask About the Role (350 words)
    Ask about the day-to-day responsibilities and duties
