三 副 面 试 及 参 考 答 案
就船上的值班和所承担的任务分工来看,三副也是甲板部非常重要的职位。但是,考 虑到三副毕竟在船上的工作时间不很长,经验也不很多,所以考官对三副的问题一般不会 很复杂,主要是集中在职位范围内的一些问题,如救生、消防设备的维护和保管、吃水的 测量、应急反应、值班时应注意的问题等等。也可能会问及《国际安全管理规则》 ( ISM)以及《公司安全管理体系》方面的知识和问题。有些公司的三副可能还要承担一 些二副的工作职责,所以,三副也应该参考一下二副的问题。
1. Can you tell me about your educational background and working experience as a seaman?
For example: I graduated from Dalian Maritime University in July 1999. Since April, 1999, I began my seamen career. I have worked on two ships. On the first ship, I worked as a deck cadet for 10 months. On the second ship, I worked as a 3/O for nearly a year.
2. Can you tell me about your last vessel?
My last ship was a general cargo sailing globally, but mainly from European ports to the US and Canada port. I worked on that vessel for 13 months as third officer.
3. What are your responsibilities as a Third Officer?
(1) To perform sea watches and cargo watch, from 0800~1200 and 2000~2400 hours
(2) To assist the Chief Officer in supervising cargo handling operation
(3) To measure the draft at the discretion of the Chief Officer or the Master
(4) To assist the Master on the bridge with anchoring and mooring and unmooring operation is underway
(5) To inspect communication systems and important items related to the navigational system and other department before leaving port or shifting anchorage
(6) To maintain the life-saving appliances and fire fighting equipment and make records in the maintenance log and inventory book
(7) To do some paper work and other jobs assigned by the Master
4. When do you call the Master to the Bridge?
If the master were not in the bridge room, according to some rules and my experience, I would call the master to react面试题必问题和答案the bridge under the following circumstances.
When I do not know the correct actions to take.
When the giving away vessel does not give away as a rule and cannot get into contact with it. When navigational equipment fails to respond
When receiving the distress call
When navigational marks are missing or in the expected time, and did not see the marks When the depth sounding do not have expected result
When entry into heavy traffic, low visibility areas
When main engine speed decreases or breakdown
When approaching the poor visibility areas
And when the vessel is in danger and I am not sure how to react.
5. Who is responsible for the LSA and FFE equipment on board a ship?
LSA means Life Saving Apparatus; FFE means Fire Fighting Equipment. The Third Officer is responsible for the maintenance of all these apparatus. The maintenance records should be logged.
6. How often and what do you inspect the lifeboats?
Usually I inspect and test the important parts of the lifeboat on a weekly basis. My checking points include attachment to the hull, lifeline, handrail, and the condition of rudder, fuel oil tanks, fresh water, and food and so on. After checking, I make records in the maintenance book and log book.
7. What actions should you take while you find fire in the cabin?
I should sound the fore alarm first, and then inform the bridge, the engine room and the Master immediately. And I will use the portable fire extinguisher to put out the fire the soonest possible