1. The reason why they are closing the factory is ________ they cannot get enough raw materials.
A.for B.because C.the fact D.that
2. All the countries have agreed ________ wears the Red Cross must never be attacked. A.that whoever B.that
C.that no matter who D.if no matter who
3. After three days’ waiting, there was still doubt in the mother’s mind ________ the police could find her lost child.
A.how B.when C.where D.whether
4. ________ makes the school famous is ________ more than 98% of the students have been admitted to universities.
A.What; because B.That; because C.That; what D.What; that 5. As a new diplomat, he often thinks of ________ he can react more appropriately on
such occasions.
A.which B.how C.what D.that
6. The secret ________ is ________.
A.of staying healthy; that you need to do exercises every day
react面试题2021B.of staying healthy; you need to do exercise everyday
C.to stay healthy; that you need to do exercise every day
D.to stay healthy; you need to do exercise everyday
7. I’m not familiar ________ Betty, but her voice sounds familiar ________ me. A.at…with B.to…with C.with…to D.with…at
8. Mike asked his new friend ________.
A.where was he from B.that he was a native of London C.if he could speak French or not D.who was staying with him
9. You can improve your ________while staying in an ________ country. A.speaking English; English-spoken B.spoken English, English-spoken C.speaking English; English-speaking D.spoken English, English-speaking
10. At the meeting last night, they argued for hours ________ of the Party.
A.on whether was the leader B.over who will be the head C.with whom could be the captain D.about who would be the rep
11. Katherine is popular with her classmates. They find her ________.
A.easy to get on well B.difficult to get along
C.easy to get on with D.easy to get along with her
12. As they ________ late this morning, they had to ________ the car to make it to the airport on time.
A.set off…speed B.set up…drove
C.set out…steam D.departed…ferry
13. What do you think ________ next?
A.we do B.should we do C.to do D.we should do
14. —What does the professor mean ________ “pure beauty”?
— I have no idea about ________ he says.
A.by…how B.on…why C.by…what D.at…whether
15. Timber Wolves are no longer ________ they used to be.
A.how B.that C.what D.which
16. The government has given the people in the flooded area ________ help it can. A.which B.that C.whatever D.those
17. Vicky hopes to become a friend of ________ shares her interests.
A.anyone B.whomever C.whoever D.who
18. Billy regretted ________ in the exam and he felt so ________. A.cheating…regretful B.to cheat…regretful
C.to cheat…regretted D.cheating…regretted
19. Alice is practicing playing the piano all day long. She ________ serious ________. A.must be; about being a famous pianist
B.may not be; to be a famous pianist
C.might be; for being a famous pianist
D.can’t be; about being a famous pianist
20. This was the first time they ________ in ten years.
A.have met B.had met C.met D.would meet
A train to U City    21    (run) across to a desert area when a man
suddenly    22    (fall) ill on the train. The conductor went through car after car, asking whether there was a doctor. At last he found one and quickly    23    (lead) him to the dining car, where the sick man    24    (lie) on the floor. The doctor examined the man for a few minutes and then told the conductor that the man had    25    (take) to a hospital at once. Hearing this, the conductor explained that the nearest station was over seventy miles away and that it would take them more than an hour to get there. The doctor said that not a moment was to be lost and suggested they should send an urgent message to have an ambulance waiting at the station. The conductor agreed and hurried away.
The man’s condition    26    (get) worse and worse. There seemed to be no way of getting him to a hospital in time until the conductor    27    (return), saying that they had an urgent message to the local airline for help. About twenty minutes later, a helicopter    28    (appear) overhead. Soon the train stopped and they    29    (carry) the man to the helicopter. Everything    30    (do) within a few minutes, and before the train started to move again, the helicopter was on its way to the hospital.
31. He wanted to know. Did they find the treasure finally? (合并句子)
He wanted to know ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ finally.
32. Jerry got into an argument with Jeff in the pub last night. They focused on football teams. (同义转换)
Jerry ________ ________ Jeff ________ football teams in the pub last night.
33. Mother said to Mary, “Don’t leave the room with the door open.” (改为间接引语) Mother ________ ________ ________ ________ leave the room with the door open.
34. He practices speaking English from time to time because he doesn’t have enough time to do so. (同意转换)
He practices speaking English ________ ________ ________ ________ because he doesn’t have enough time to do so.
35. She was annoyed with Garry about his bad behavior at her birthday party.
________ ________ ________ ________ at her party made her annoyed.
Learning a new language is a difficult but highly rewarding    36    .
Despite the difficulty of the task, it’s possible to do it without formal study, especially if you start at a young age or you’re looking to improve on a language that you already have a grounding in. Here are 5 key strategies that will give you an edge in achieving your language-learning goals:
1- Have Fun
A great way to learn a language effectively is to make the process as    37    as possible. Choose topics that interest you, like science, literature, music or celebrity gossip. Whatever it is, if you are interested in it, you will be much more    38    to keep coming back and practicing.
2- Model Native Speakers
If you have some trouble with your    39    , try to find a language exchange partner so you can have conversations and have your partner correct you. Also, listening to and reading as much material intended for native speakers as possible will get you accustomed to what a native speaker actually sounds like, and what you could sound like in the future too!
3- Use Social    40
Pay attention to the learning style that works for you. If you are a visual learner, then watch TV series or films. If you are more of an auditory learner, check out all the amazing podcasts and audiobooks that are available online. Do you prefer to read? Download an electronic version of a book in the language you are learning.
4- Travel
