1. admit to sth./ doing sth. (因过错、罪行、错误等)承认,供认
- He admitted to stealing the money.
- The defendant finally admitted to the crime.
- She admitted to making a mistake.
2. admit sb./ sth. (正式地)接受,接纳(人/事物)
- The school admits students based on their academic performance.
- This club only admits members who are over 18 years old.
- The country admitted refugees fleeing the war.
3. admit + that  (承认)事
- He admitted that he was wrong.
- They finally admitted that they hadn't done the work.
- She admitted that she had lied.
4. admit sb. to sth./ into sth. (正式地)准许人进入(地/机构/组织等)
- The bouncer admitted him to the club.
- The university admitted her into their prestigious program.
- The museum admitted the visitors for free.
5. admit sb. + to be (正式地)承认人是(事物)
- The court admitted him to be the rightful heir of the property.
- She was admitted to be the best candidate for the job.
- The expert was admitted to be an authority in his field.
6. admit of sth. (可能性、存在或理解)容许,包容,接受,允许
- The situation does not admit of any delay.
- The problem admits of no easy solution.
- His behavior does not admit of any excuse.
7. admit + -ing (正式地)许可,承认(事)
- The teacher admitted allowing the students to leave early.
- The Prime Minister admitted knowing about the scandal.
8. admit defeat/ failure/ guilt/ responsibility/ wrongdoing(正式地)承认失败/错误/罪行/责任/不正当行为
- He finally admitted defeat in the argument.
sort of admit- She admitted responsibility for the mistake.
9. admit + noun/phrase (正式地)允许/接受(物)
- The ticket admits one adult to the concert.
- His pass admits him to the restricted area.
- This key admits access to the building.
10. admit + that (承认)人有一些特质或状态
- She admitted that she was nervous about the presentation.
- He admitted that he was jealous of his friend's success.
- They admitted that they were wrong about the issue.
11. be admitted to/ into (正式地)被允许/接受进入(地/机构/组织等)
- He was admitted into the prestigious university.
- The patient was admitted to the hospital for further tests.
- She was admitted into the exclusive club.
12. admit + that  (承认)人参与或有关联于事
- He admitted that he was involved in the robbery.
- They admitted that they were responsible for the accident.
- She admitted that she played a part in the conflict.
admit可以表示承认、接纳、允许、入学、供承认、承认、承认等含义。根据具体的语境,可以使用不同的形式,如admit to sth./doing sth.、admit sb./sth.、admit + that、admit sb. to sth./into sth.、admit sb. + to be等。希望以上内容对您有帮助。
