    Plant Observation Record Card
    Subject: Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
    My Experience Observing a Sunflower Over Time
    For my plant observation project, I decided to track the growth and changes of a sunflower over the course of several months. I've always been fascinated by these bright, cheerful flowers that almost seem to smile up at the sun. When I was younger, I loved the picture book about the sunflower that dreamed of growing tall. So when it came time to pick a plant subject, the sunflower was an easy choice.
    I started my observation on April 15th. I planted a single sunflower seed in a medium-sized
pot filled with fertile potting soil. The seed was large, oblong, and had distinctive black and white stripes. According to the seed packet, this variety was called "Sunbright" and could grow up to 6 feet tall with flowers over 12 inches across. I positioned the pot in a very sunny spot on our balcony and made sure to water it thoroughly.
    For the first week, not much seemed to be happening below the soil surface. The seed remained buried under a thin layer of dirt. But by April 22nd, I saw the first signs of life - a small sprout had poked through! Over the next few days, the seedling unfurled its first pair of leaves. They emerged tightly furled, pale green and delicate. As the days passed, the leaves opened up, uncurling and expanding while also gradually deepening to a richer green hue.
    By the end of April, my little sunflower had grown to about 4 inches tall and had its second set of mature leaves. The stem was still quite thin and pale, almost white in color. But the roots seemed to be developing nicely belowground based on how firmly the plant was anchored in the soil.sort of admit
    Things really started taking off for my sunflower in May. The stem morphed from thin and spindly to sturdy and solid, aided by rapid upward growth. The leaves multiplied quickly as new sets unfurled every few days. Soon my little seedling looked like a miniature sunflower plant, with a sturdy central stem and multiple branches covered in bright green foliage fanning out in a spiral pattern.
    By mid-May, the plant had surpassed a foot in height. I had to upgrade to a larger container to accommodate the developing root system. During this stage of active growth, I was amazed at how much the sunflower could grow in just a day or two. I made sure to keep up with frequent waterings and nutrients to fuel this remarkable growth spurt.
    Finally, in late May, I saw the first sign of a flower bud beginning to form at the top of the main stem. It looked like a fuzzy green spiral tucked amid the newest leaves at the crown. Over the following weeks, I watched in fascination as this bud gradually swelled and expanded. The tightly wound petals started taking shape, shifting in color from green to pale yellow.
    By mid-June, I could clearly make out the individual petals tightly clustered around the center disk. The flower bud had reached the size of a golf ball, covered in delicate fuzz and tinged with deeper yellow hues. My sunflower was growing so tall I had to use a stake to provide support and keep the towering stem upright.
    Then, in what seemed like an overnight transformation, the sunflower burst into full glorious bloom on June 22nd! I came home from school to find the huge flower fully unfurled, the brilliant yellow petals radiating out around the plump brown center disk. It was breathtaking - easily over a foot across and as bright as the summer sun.
    Of course, I had seen countless sunflowers before. But there was something magical and special about this one that I had nurtured from a tiny seed into this spectacular living creation. I felt such pride watching it follow the sun's path across the sky each day, its big shaggy head slowly pivoting to bask in the life-giving rays.
    For the next month, my sunflower remained in peak bloom. The inner disk flowers opened up in concentric circles, revealing tufted tan centers where the seeds were develop
ing. The bright yellow petals started to show hints of curling inward, but remained vibrant. I made sure to capture this stunning mature phase with plenty of photos and observations about details like petal shapes, colors, scents, and even the insects it attracted.
    In late July, I noticed the first signs that my sunflower was entering its final stage of life. The petals began to brown and wither at the edges. The big center disk took on a shriveled, dried appearance as the mature seeds worked their way out of the husk. I could see birds perching on the swaying flower head to pluck out the ripened seeds. It was fascinating, but also a little sad to see my vibrant flower fading.
    By mid-August, the sunflower had fully reverted to its final seed form. What remained was a bizarrely geometric, spiked center disk covered in plump sunflower seeds surrounded by dried, drooping petals. I carefully removed the disk and collected the seeds, leaving the rest of the plant to continue decomposing on the balcony.
    Looking back through my observation log, I'm struck by the amazing metamorphosis this single sunflower seed underwent over the course of just a few months. From that tiny unas
suming kernel, an entire life cycle played out before my eyes. A seedling emerged, sending down roots and shooting upward in a race toward the sun. Stems, stalks, and leaves unfurled in an increasingly complex spiral pattern. Finally, the crowning achievement - that magnificent flower bending and bobbing in brilliant bloom before fading away to reseed the cycle once more.
