    Music Class Melodies
    Music class is one of my favorite times of the week! I love listening to all the different sounds and rhythms. But what I enjoy most is getting to play the instruments myself. Our music teacher, Mrs. Rainey, has a big colorful room full of musical treasures for us to explore.
    The first instrument I learned was the recorder. It's this long plastic pipe with holes along the top and a mouth piece on one end. You blow into it and cover different holes to make different notes. At first, it was really tricky to get any sound out of it at all! I would puff out my cheeks and blow as hard as I could, but nothing came out. Mrs. Rainey showed me how to make a tight seal with my lips and blow gently across the mouthpiece. Slowly, I started to make some shrill, squeaky notes. It didn't sound very nice at first, but Mrs. Rainey was very p
atient and kept encouraging me.
    After a few weeks of practice, I could play simple tunes like "Hot Cross Buns" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb." It felt like such an accomplishment! The recorder helped me learn to read music notes too. Now when I see the notes on the staff, I can hear the corresponding notes in my head. The recorder was a great starter instrument to build my musical skills.
    Next up, we got to try the xylophones and metallophones. These are like mini wooden or metal marimbas with bright colored bars. You strike the bars with little mallets to play notes. I loved experimenting with the different pitches and metallic tones. Playing the xylophone was more intuitive for me than the recorder since you just have to hit the right bar. Though sometimes I'd get carried away whacking too hard and make a cacophony of noise! Mrs. Rainey had to gently remind me to use a lighter touch.
    With the xylophones, we learned to play simple songs by following along on a big notated chart. I got the hang of keeping the rhythm with the mallets and reading which bars to strike. My favorite xylophone piece was "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." I liked
how the wooden Keys made a warm, vibrant sound.
    The coolest instrument of all might be the huge bamboo chimes that hang up in the corner of the music room. They make these mysterious, echoing tones when you pull the cords to strike the bamboo rods. We all got to take turns gently tugging the chimes and listening to the hollow, reverberating notes fade out. It sounded almost magical, like music from another world! I wanted to spend all day just experimenting with the different bamboo pipes and hearing their unique pitches mix together.
    Towards the end of the year, Mrs. Rainey started letting us explore making music with everyday objects too. We turned buckets, pots, cups and even our pencils into percussion instruments. I loved drumming out rhythms on tables, stomping beats with my feet, and clapping patterns with my hands. We made incredible clashing, vibrant sound collages of found sounds. It showed me that you can find music all around you if you just listen.
sort of admit    I can't wait until next year when Mrs. Rainey has promised we'll start learning some stringed instruments like the ukulele! Playing all these instruments has opened up a whole
new way for me to express myself. When I'm feeling happy, I can pound out a energetic rhythm. If I'm frustrated, I can calmly pluck out a soothing melody. By exploring different tones and styles, I've discovered how music can capture any emotion or tell any story.
    I used to think music was just about singing silly kids songs. But now I understand it as its own rich language. One that transcends words and speaks straight to our hearts and souls. I can't imagine not having music as a part of my life. Thanks to Mrs. Rainey's music class, I've unlocked the keys to unlocking the boundless world of musical expression. Who knows what kind of harmonies, rhythms and compositions I'll create in the years ahead? One thing is certain, music will always be my passion!
    My Favorite Instruments in Music Class
    Hi there! My name is Emily, and I'm a fourth-grader at Oakwood Elementary School. I love going to music class every week because it's so much fun to learn about different instruments and make beautiful sounds together.
    One of my favorite parts of music class is when we get to play the classroom instruments. Our music teacher, Mr. Roberts, has a huge collection of instruments from all around the world, and he lets us try out new ones every week. Some of them are really easy to play, while others take a lot of practice to get the hang of. But no matter what, it's always exciting to explore a new instrument and see what kinds of sounds it can make.
