1. delight [di'lait] n. 高兴
2. for ornamental [,ɔ:nə'mentəl]
adj. 装饰的,装饰性的
3. ability [ə'biliti]
n. 能力,能耐;才能
4. chief [tʃi:f]
adv. 主要地;首要地
5. privateness n. 私人性
6. retiring 幽居
7. judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt]
n. 判断;判决书;辨别力
8. disposition [,dispə'ziʃən]
n. 处置; [军] 部署
9. expert ['ekspə:t, ek'spə:t]
adj. 熟练的;老练的
10. execute ['eksikju:t]
vt. 实行;执行;处死
11. perhaps [pə'hæps, præps]
adv. 也许;可能
12. particulars [pə'tiku:ləz]
n. 细节;详情
13. general ['dʒenərəl]
adj. 一般的,普通的
14. counsel ['kaunsəl] 报错
n. 法律顾问;忠告;讨论
15. plot [plɔt] n. 情节;阴谋
16. marshalling ['mɑ:ʃəliŋ]
v. 整理(marshall的ing形式)
17. affair [ə'fεə] n. 事情;事务;
18. affectation [,æfek'teiʃən]
n. 做作;矫揉造作;假装
19. wholly ['həuli]
adv. 完全地;全部;统统
20. scholar ['skɔlə]
n. 学者;儒生
21. pruning ['pru:niŋ]
v. 修剪(prune的ing形式)
22. direction [di'rekʃən, dai-]
n. 方向;指导;
23. bounded ['baundid]
adj. 有界限的
Of Studies (英汉对照)Francis Bacon王佐良先生译文Studies serve for delight1, for ornament2, and for ability3.
Their chief4 use for delight, is in privateness5 and retiring6;
for ornament, is in discourse;
and for ability, is in the judgment7, and disposition8 of business.
For expert9 men can execute10, and perhaps11sort of等于什么 judge of particulars12, one by one;
but the general13 counsels14, and the plots15 and marshalling16 of affairs17, come best, from those that are learned.
To spend too much time in studies is sloth;
to use them too much for ornament, is affectation18;
to make judgment wholly19 by their rules, is the humor of a scholar20.
They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience:
for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning21, by study;
and studies themselves, do give forth directions22 too much at large, except they be bounded23 in by experience.
1. crafty ['krɑ:fti]
adj. 狡猾的;灵巧的
2. contemn [kən'tem]
vt. 蔑视;侮辱
3. admire [əd'maiə]
vt. 钦佩;赞美
4. wise man
n. 哲人;魔术师
5. wisdom ['wizdəm]
n. 智慧,才智;
6. observation[,ɔbzə:'veiʃən]
n. 观察;监视;观察报告
7. contradict [,kɔntrə'dikt]
vt. 反驳;否定;与…矛盾;
8. confute [kən'fju:t]
vt. 驳斥,驳倒
9. granted ['gra:ntid]
conj. 算是如此,但是
10. weigh [wei]
vt. 权衡;考虑;称…重量
11. swallow ['swɔləu]
vi. 吞下;咽下
12. chew [tʃu:]
vt. 嚼碎,咀嚼
13. digest ['daidʒest]
vt. 消化;吸收;融会贯通
14. curiously ['kjuəriəsli]
adv. 好奇地
15. diligence ['dilidʒəns]
n. 勤奋,勤勉;注意的程度
16. deputy ['depjuti]
adj. 副的;代理的
17. extract[ik'strækt]
vt. 提取;取出;摘录;榨取
18. argument ['ɑ:ɡjumənt]
n. 论证;论据;内容提要
19. distilled [dis'tild]
v. 蒸馏(distill的过去式)
20. flashy ['flæʃi]
21. conference n.协商;讨论
22. exact [iɡ'zækt]
adj. 准确的,;精确的
23. confer [kən'fə:]
vi. 协商,讨论
24. present ['prezənt, pri'zent]
vt. 提出;呈现;
25. wit [wit]
n. 智慧;才智;智力
Crafty1 men contemn2 studies, simple men admire3 them, and wise men4 use them; 有一技之长者鄙读书,无知者羡读书,唯明智之士用读书,
for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom5 without them, and above them, won by observation6.
Read not to contradict7 and confute8; nor to believe and take for granted9; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh10 and consider.
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed11, and some few to be chewed12 and digested13;
that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously14; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence15 and attention.
Some books also may be read by deputy16, and extracts17 made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments18, and the meaner sort of books, else d
istilled19 books are like common distilled waters, flashy20 things.
Reading make a full man; conference21 a ready man; and writing an exact22 man.
And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory;
if he confer23 little, he had need have a present24 wit25;
1. cunning ['kʌniŋ]
adj. 狡猾的;巧妙的
2. doth [强dʌθ, 弱dəθ]
3. mathematics [,mæθə'mætiks]
n. 数学;数学运算
4. subtitle ['sʌb,taitl]
5. philosophy [fi'lɔsəfi, fə-]
n. 哲学;哲理;人生观
6. moral ['mɔrəl, 'mɔ:-]
n. 道德;寓意
7. grave [ɡreiv]
vt. 雕刻;铭记
8. logic ['lɔdʒik]
n. 逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性
9. rhetoric ['retərik]
adj. 花言巧语的,修辞
10. Abeunt studia in mores:
11. impediment [im'pedimənt]
n. 口吃;妨碍;阻止
12. appropriate[ə'prəupriət]
adj. 适当的
13. reins [reinz] n. 肾脏
14. lung [lʌŋ] n. 肺;呼吸器
15. wandering ['wɔndəriθ]
v. 漫游;闲逛
16. mathematics[,mæθə'mætiks]
n. 数学;数学运算
17 demonstration[,demən'streiʃən]
n. 示范;证明;示威游行
18. distinguish [dis'tiŋɡwiʃ]
vt. 区分;辨别;
19. cymini sectors
20. illustrate ['iləstreit]
vt. 阐明,举例说明;图解
21. cases [keisis]
22. defect [di'fekt]
n. 缺点,缺陷;不足之处
23. receipt [ri'si:t]
n. 收到;收据;收入
and if he read little, he had need have much cunning1, to seem to know, that he doth2 not. 版权声明:本站内容均来自互联网,仅供演示用,请勿用于商业和其他非法用途。如果侵犯了您的权益请与我们联系QQ:729038198,我们将在24小时内删除。