1 你父亲做什么工作(谋生)?What does your father do for a living?
2 我是搞软件开发的。        I'm on the software development side.
3 我以前没有这儿见过你。    I haven't seen you around before.
4 约翰在一家计算机公司干了许多年了。  John has been with a computer company for years.
5 我妻子在家工作。          My wife works from / at home.
I’m afraid I can’t come on Friday afternoon, because I will be having a meeting then.
7我们打算在这个地区建一座新工厂。 We are going to set up a new plant in this area.
8、你们公司的总部设在哪儿?      Where is your company based?
9I’m sort of surprised.  north mid-west of the States  美国中西部的北部
You are also from New York? That’s really a coincidence.
11、我们定个日子一起吃饭吧。 Let’s fix up a date to have dinner together.
12、我们将尽力满足客户的需求。We’ll try to meet the customers’ demands
Two strangers are trying to find topics of common interest.
14、这是我第二次来美国。    This is my second trip to the United States.
15、我还需要一天才能完成工作。  I need another day to finish the work.
16、真遗憾,我只能呆一周。      Unfortunately, I can only stay for a week.
The visitors are shown around the new plant by the director himself.
Two strangers are trying to find topics of common interest.
19、你觉得伦敦怎么样?            How do you find London?
20、你住在哪家旅馆?              Which hotel are you staying in?
21、你有时间游览纽约吗?    Have you found time to see much in New York?
Unfortunately, I can only stay a couple of weeks in China.
23、我们将在东京设办事处。  Our company is setting up an office in Tokyo.
24、你们公司的总部在哪儿?  Where is your company based?
25、太巧了!我也是设计师。  That is a coincidence! I’m also a designer.
26、我们必须满足这位客户的要求。We’ve got to meet this customer’s request.
Owing to the depression, a number of workers have been fired in the past two months.
Some consumers prefer imported cars (to those hat are home-made)
We would rather cut down the price than keep a large quantity of goods in stock.
30、我想就新计划谈几句。I’d like to say a few words about the new plan.
31、他经营了一家公司,利润很高。  He runs a company at a high profit.
This delegation is headed by the Minister of Finance.
Directors of all departments must report to the Managing Director.
This manager is only accountable to the Marketing Director.
Assisted by my colleagues I finished the job on time.
36、营销部负责广告。The Marketing Department takes care of advertising.
  I’d like to say a few words about the organizational structure of the new company.
The Managing Director is responsible for running the company and (is) accountable to the Board of Directors.
    The Finance Department takes care of corporate finance and accounting.
40、管理服务部负责整个公司的合理化建设。The Management Services Department is in charge of rationalization of the whole company.
41、研究与发展部与五个地区紧密合作开发新产品。  The R&D Department works closely with the five regions on new product development.
Five Regional Managers are directly under the Managing Director.
In addition to the parent company, ABC Company has three subsidiaries.
44、收多少送货费?      How much do you charge for delivery costs?
45、我想订购10辆汽车。  I’d like to place an order for ten cars.
46、我们保证两周交货。We guarantee delivery within two weeks.
There is a usual one-year guarantee for our TV sets.
48、我们保证令顾客满意。  We guarantee satisfaction to customers.
A customer enquired about the price of our new product in his letter.
In view of our relationship, we would offer you a discount of 5%.
Im phoning to enquire about your office filing system.
Id like to check on the dimensions first.
53.标准件为3.5米宽。        The standard unit is 3.5metres wide.
54.实际上能安装几层架子?    How many shelves can actually be fitted?
  Id like to know how much they stick out – in other words, how deep they are.
Delivery costs depend on how far the receiver is from our warehouse.
57.我们离市中心大约十英里。    We are about ten miles from the center.
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