Caroline; Stephen
In Kenya, tourism is the foremost earner of foreign exchange and it contributed to Ksh 100 billion of the GDP in 2011. According to Republic of Kenya (2012), tourism made a direct contribution to the growth of hotel industry and other related sectors. Hotels on the other hand have to invest in managing their relationships with customers and maintaining
quality to ensure that customers whose loyalty is in the short term will continue to be loyal in the long term. The growth in tourism is well anticipated as evident in studies and analyses conducted by experts a
nd relevant organizations in this industry. Kenya is home to host of five star luxury hotels most of multinational owned or franchised such as Hilton Nairobi, Serena hotels and the Fairmont. There is also a wide range of domestic hotels and hospitality enterprises whose service offering not only complements those of world class hotels but also serve the domestics guests or tourists. Domestic tourism especially in the developing world has for a long time been viewed as inconsequential. Gerosa (2003) states that domestic tourism is "often overseen", despite case studies showing a greater impact particularly on the informal sector than international tourism. Domestic tourism in Kenya has however received due focus from tourism agencies for instance the Kenya Tourism Board planned to use Ksh50 million (around US$ 690 000) mainly in marketing and promoting of domestic tourism in the country (Kenya News Agency, 2004). One of the ways of assessing the impact of such efforts would be to consider the bed occupancy rates by residents. It can be seen from Fig. 1 below that domestic bed occupancy in Kenya has been on the rise since 2002. Notable also is that there was remarkable growth in occupancy for the 2007/2008 period 26.95% to 42.35%. Meaning that domestic guest have become an important customer
segment that warrants attention. On the other hand, growth rates notwithstanding inconsistencies are seen in the decline to 34% in 2009 which again points to some sort of inconsistency a gap which requir
es some critical attention especially in relation to service quality a gap this study sought to address. This study having appreciated the role the domestic hotel guests play in providing the necessary patronage, would like to make a case for studying perception of quality for the services they experience at this hotels. It is important to realize that the domestic guest may not necessarily attract the same kind of attention and receive similar kind of service as a foreign guest in some hotels as they may be treated as undeserving. Tourist class hotels are sometimes referred to as 'hotels for the whites' an undertone that may affect negatively the quality of service offered to the domestic guest.
If domestic guests are to be encouraged to play their roles in bridging the seasonality gap that is the core of the international tourism business model, then they have to perceive the services provided as being worth their money value. This study therefore aimed at determining the guest actual experience and evaluation from the stay hence assess how the hotel performed against perceived quality and the effect on guest satisfaction.
Service quality
sort of中文翻译Quality concept can be viewed in various perspectives in order to fully appreciate the role it plays in th
e many parts of business organization especially in the hotel industry. According to Bruhn and Manfred (2006) the concept of service quality emerged as a major challenge for service companies. This is because of the characteristics of services; especially the encounter of provider and customer in the service process, service quality is a more complex construct than product quality. Indeed the most fundamental definition of a quality product is one that meets the expectations of the customer. In hotel industry, quality is defined simply as product conformation to specifications while meeting the expectations of the customer. Since each customer have their own expectations, and then service quality remains a subjective matter that befits objective assessment through understanding of various facets of perception, their measurement and how they relate to satisfaction an issue we shall pursue in this proceeding section. Perceived service quality Several authors through their work have tried to conceptualize perceived service quality with varying illustrations especially in reference to the dimensions applied in their studies. Gronroos (1984) in his seminal paper on service quality defined the perceived quality of a given service as the result of an evaluation process, in which the consumer compares his expectations with his perception of the service received; in other
words, he places the perceived service and the expected service opposite one another. In the same study, two factors that consumers consider when evaluating service quality were identified as functiona
l quality and technical quality. The latter being the process of service delivery and the former is what consumers actually receive from the service. Parasuraman et al. (1988) identified five dimensions in their SERVQUAL model. These were tangible elements which are the physical surrounding of the place where the service is delivered for instance how the table is set or room furnishings, reliability which is seller's capability to supply the promised outputs at the stated level and responsiveness determined as capability to respond to and satisfy the customer's wishes. Others are assurance- employees' knowledge, politeness and trustworthiness and empathy- willingness and capability to respond to individual customer desires for example making the bed with the sheets of a particular colour as requested by a customer.
