Lesson 59  Collecting
Comprehension questions
1. What do people tend to amass?
2. Are they always aware they are doing so?
3. Do people who never move house become indiscriminate collectors?
4. What do they become collectors of?
5. Where do they leave unwanted things?
6. Why do people accumulate belongings as they grow old?
7. Things that we have owned for a long time are full of something. What?
8. Why are some things in the home collected deliberately?
9. What things do  some people keepfor example, when they have opened a parcel?
10. Can collecting small items become a mania?
11. The author knows someone who cuts sketches from newspapers. Sketches of what?
12. Why doesn't she stop doing it?

13. It's a harmless habit, but what does it do to her desk?
14. Does serious collecting have many advantages as a hobby?
15. What does it provide for leisure hours?
16. Whatever your collection consists of, what are two things you can always do?
17. Do you increase your circle of friends by collecting?
18. How?
19. Does collecting ever lead tosort of things什么意思 travel abroad?
20. What might happen if you become an authority on your hobby?
Match the words with their explanations
amass            indiscriminate            clutter              essential              requisite


_________to collect sth, especially in large quantities
_________the way in which sth is related to sth or influence it

_________ (disapproving) a lot of things inanuntidy state, especially things that are not necessary or are not being used
_________to keep sb/sth inside the limits of a particular activity, subject, area, etc.
_________having a useful and helpful effect rather than being negative or with no purpose
_________showing or feeling satisfaction
_________completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation
_________acting without careful judgement
_________an extremely strong desire or enthusiam for sth, often shared by a lot of people at the same time
_________not very great
_________something that you need for a particular purpose
_________a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details
_________a small amount of sth that show what the rest of it is like
_________enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need
