英语词汇(157)              表示“选择”动词
single out  sort out
choose  “选择”,普通用词。指根据自己的主观喜好和判断进行选择,不一定精选。choose
1) He was chosen because he had much experience in dealing with such a problem.
2) In sort of things什么意思choosing your play, I recommend that you select one written in the past few years.
3) He chose to remain an onlooker during most of his family’s protracted quarrels.
4You can make it very difficult for me speak to you if you choose to misunderstand me.
select  “选择”、“挑选”, 一般指经过认真考虑之后从多人或物中选出最满意的。与 choose
1) He selected an appropriate birthday card for his mother.
2) Students are selected for admission to the college on the basis of an entrance test.
3) Many of the successful men, had they been able to choose for themselves, would have selected other different professions.
pick   “选择”,口语用词,常含随意挑选之意。有时可以用 pick out
1) You can pick anyone who you think is qualified for the job.
2You are the first one to arrive and now you can pick the room you like best.
3) Among them you can pick out one you like the best.
opt    “选择”,常接介词for,多指在几种可能性之间进行选择。
1Owing to his failing health, he opted for an early retirement.
2) Advertisers can choose not to use real, live fallible humans to endorse their products, but opt for
“spokescharacters” instead.
elect    指按照一定的规章或法律,用投票等方式进行的认真慎重的选择。
1) Only someone born in the United States can be elected as president.
2) No voter may be railroaded into giving his vote for any particular person; he must be free to chosse which one he want to elect.
single out    指精心或特意将某人或某物挑选出来。
1) He was singled out for special training. 
2) They all did wrong. Why single out him for punishment?
sort out    用法与single out相似,指将有用的东西挑选或整理出来。
1) Sort out things you want to keep and throw everything else away.
2You should sort out these files so that you can use them convenienty.
