001 一根筋儿 one track-minded
Stop reasoning with him, Don`t you know he is one track-minded
You feel choked to work with those who are one track-minded
* to jump down one`s throat 粗暴的和某人顶嘴,把某人气得说不出话来
002 败家子 a black sheep
Joe is the black sheep of his family.He splashed(挥霍) nearly a hundred thousand U.S dollars in a few year.
003 他那好人 people of his sort
How could he think I would go back on my words(说话不算数,食言)? I am not his sort, who is fickle(轻浮的) and always blowing hot and cold(喜怒无常).
I’m not you sort, who always wants to get the best of others.
* (be) down and out 没钱了,把钱花个精光;一塌糊涂
* You can turn to me when the chips are down(没钱了).(语气略轻于down and out)
To get out from under摆脱困境,硬撑下来
004 出众的人;冒尖儿 a lulu
Talking about being pretty, our company’s new secretary is indeed a lulu.
005 骗子 a phony
Xiao Zhang is a plain phony.He gives me a song and dance in my face, but bad-mouths me behind my back.
* swindler一词尤指“政治骗子”(political swindler),而impostor则侧重之产品或名誉反方面的“冒名顶替着”。Trickster一词常指“搞恶作剧的人”。但对于”两面三刀”、”阴阳奉承”之类的”骗子”,英语里习惯用phony一词来表达
006 难对付的人 a tartar/a hard nut to crack
What him to follow your order? No way! He`s a tartar-a hard nut to crack.
* She’s indeed swell. 她确实很好
* That’s why we hit it off.中的意思hit it off是“很要好”或“很合得来”
* To jump down one’s throat 说话刺耳
007 大人物 a bigwig/a buzwig
sort of things什么意思Eg: 李先生可是这个地区的大人物之一,几乎没人敢得罪他。
Mr. Li is one of the bigwigs in this district. Nobody dares to take his offense.
008 多面手,万事通 Jack-of-all-trades
Eg: 小李是个多面手,做饭、刺绣、织毛衣以及打字什么的,她样样都在行。
Xiao Li is a Jack-of-all-trades. She is marvelous at a range of things, such as cooking, embroidery, knitting, tying and whatnots.
009 令人扫兴的人 a wet blanket
Eg: .她真是个令人扫兴的人。正当我们兴致勃勃的时候,她却跟李玲吵起架来了。
She’s a real wet blanket. She started quarreling with Li Ling when everyone of us was in high spirits.
010 情投意合的人 a soul mate
Eg: 依我看,你女儿和小张性情相投。你干嘛要阻拦他们结婚啊?
As far as I can see, Xiao Zhang is a soul mate of your daughter. Why should you object to their marriage?
011 老迷 a fool for women/sugar daddies
Eg: 那个家伙可是个老迷,整天跟在女孩子后面惟命是从。
That guy is a fool for women, who’s always at the beck and call of girls.
* be at the beck and call of sb. 意思是“惟命是从”
* be filthy with dough 直译为“钱多得发臭”,意思是“很有钱”
* He’ll soon have it coming on him. “总有他遭报应的那一天”
012 傻大个儿 a lummox
Eg: 听说那个傻大个儿把他们公司的工作搞得一团糟。
It is said that the lummox has loused up their company’s whole business.
* Let beggars match with beggars. 龙配龙,凤配风
013 马屁精 an apple-polisher
Eg: 她真是个马屁精,她知道怎么去巴结老板。
She’s a real apple-polisher, she knows how to butter up the boss.
014 捡破烂的人(走街串巷收废品的人) a bag lady
Eg: 一个捡破烂的人竟然在垃圾堆里捡到一块手表。
Isn’t it amazing that a bag lady had run into a gold watch in the garbage?
* fools sometimes have fortune 的意思是傻人有傻福
015 收破烂(垃圾堆里翻有用东西)的人 a rag man
Eg: 他从一个收废品的人一跃成为一家大饭店的老板。
He was vaulted from a rag man to a boss of large hotel.
016 乡巴佬 a hayseed
Eg: 她说她绝不会嫁给一个乡巴佬,不管他多少钱。
She insisted that she would not marry herself off to a hayseed, no matter how rich he was.
017 胆小鬼 a chicken guy
Eg: 杰克是个胆小鬼,干什么都缩手缩脚。
Jack is a chicken guy, who dare not make a solid move at anything.
018 不三不四的人 riff-raffs
Eg: 老张的家里总来些不三不四的人,可想而知老张不是什么好东西。
There are always riff-raffs hanging around in Lao Zhang’s home, which gives you the feeling that Lao Zhang is not a good guy.
* I tell you that. 我倒有个好主意
019 受气包儿 doormat
She’s born doormat, afraid of against anything.
020 祸水妞 a jailbait
Eg: 我知道她长得很漂亮,但就怕她是个祸水妞。
I know she’s pretty. But she may be a jailbait at that.
021 笨蛋 a brack-brain(怨恨不满气愤时)
Eg: 他真是个笨蛋,连这点小事都干不了。
He’s plain a brack-brain, who cannot even cope with such a small matter.
022 同性恋 be queer
Eg: 他是个同性恋。He’s a queer.
023 嘴甜的人 be honey-lipped
Eg: 她的嘴特别甜,可会见什么人说什么话了。
She’s so honey-lipped that she knows how to tailor her words to please the ears of different people.
* a poker face/a deadpan 面无表情的人
024 废物 a born loser
Eg: 你真是个废物点心,连这点小事都办不好。
You are a real born loser, for you cannot even cope with such a small mater.
025 老古董,老封建 a stick-in-the-mud