My Favorite Plant
Plants are so cool! There are all kinds of different ones with different colors, shapes, and sizes. Some plants have big leaves, some have tiny leaves. Some plants have bright flowers while others don't have flowers at all. But my absolute favorite plant is the sunflower!
Sunflowers are just the happiest and sunniest flowers. Their big yellow petals look like sunshine rays spreading out from the middle. The huge brown center is packed with lots of tiny seeds. I love planting sunflower seeds in my garden every spring and watching the tender green shoots poke up through the soil. As the summer goes on, the sunflower plants grow taller and taller, reaching up towards the sky.
By the time summer is ending, my sunflowers tower over me! The biggest one last year was over 8 feet tall. I had to stand on my tippy-toes to try to look at the face of that gigantic sunflower. Its bright yellow petals were as big as my head. The center was a deep brown and it looked like it had a million tiny seeds crammed inside. I couldn't wait until the back of the flower turned brown and dried out so I could harvest those seeds.
After the sunflower died back in the fall, I pulled it up and brought it inside. I spent hours picking every single seed out of the center. I filled up a whole shoebox full of sunflower seeds! My mom helped me make some of them into a yummy snack by roasting them with a little salt. They were so crunchy and nutty tasting. We saved the rest of the seeds so I could plant them again this spring.
There are so many reasons why sunflowers are my absolute favorite plant. First of all, they are gorgeous! I love their bright yellow color and big cheerful faces. Sunflowers always make me feel happy and smiley. They are like the sunny days of summer captured in a flower.
Sunflowers are also amazing because they are titans! They grow incredibly tall, with some getting over 20 feet high. Can you imagine a flower taller than a street light? That's how ginormous some sunflowers can get. But even though sunflowers stretch up to the sky, they are sturdy and strong with thick, hardy stems that don't break easily in storms. I'm always in awe of how tough they are.
Another cool thing about sunflowers is that they are smart! Their big flower faces actually track and follow the movement of the sun across the sky from dawn until dusk. How neat is that? It's like the sunflower is a little sunny plant that can't stop turning its face towards its best friend the sun all day long. Scientists call this sun-tracking trait "heliotropism" which is a crazy long word.
But maybe the best part about sunflowers is the tasty treat they provide - sunflower seeds! Each sunflower head is absolutely jam-packed with hundreds and hundreds of delicious seeds. You can roast them for a salty snack, or leave them raw to put in salads and trail mixes. There are so many yummy ways to eat sunflower seeds. Plus, it's fun harv
esting all those tiny seeds yourself after the flower dies. I feel like a little sunflower farmer!
So in summary, sunflowers are my hands-down favorite plant because they are cheerful, tall, smart, and give you a bountiful seed harvest. What's not to love about these sunny beauties? Sunflowers are simply the happiest, most amazing flowers. I can't wait to get my sunflower seeds planted in my garden so I can enjoy another summer surrounded by my favorite towering blooms!
My Favorite Plant - The Sunflower
I love sunflowers! They are the coolest, happiest, sunniest flowers ever. Sunflowers always make me smile when I see their bright yellow petals and big smiling faces. They seem to be saying "Good morning! Have a great day!"
Sunflowers are so tall - they can grow up to 10 feet high or more! That's like two or three times taller than me. Their stems are sturdy and strong, covered in rough bristly hairs. The
big flower heads can be over a foot across when they bloom in the summertime. Bees love visiting sunflowers to collect pollen and nectar.
sort of look atme什么意思 The petals around the edges are a brilliant golden-yellow color. In the very middle is a circle made up of lots and lots of tiny flowers all clustered together. That's where the seeds grow! As the sunflower gets older, those little flowers in the middle turn into sunflower seeds that we can eat. Yum!
Did you know that sunflowers are called sunflowers because their big bright faces follow the sun as it moves across the sky during the day? In the morning, all the sunflowers in a field face east to greet the rising sun. As the sun travels west through the day, the sunflower heads slowly turn to keep facing the sun. Isn't that cool? It's like they are a whole army of little sunbathing sunflower soldiers!
I love planting sunflower seeds in my garden every spring. First you dig a little hole about an inch deep. Then you drop the seed in and cover it with soil, patting it down gently. You have to water the seeds regularly until the first sprout pokes up through the soil. Then i
t starts growing taller and taller, unfolding more huge leaves every week.