The Dark Clouds Are Coming
Today started out as a perfectly normal day. The sun was shining brightly and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. My friends and I were playing outside during recess, running around the playground and laughing. Everything was great!
But then I noticed something a little strange happening off in the distance. At first, it just looked like a few tiny gray smudges far away on the horizon. I didn't think too much of it at the time. Clouds come and go all the time, so I figured those woul
The Sky Turns Mean
It was a regular sunny morning when I woke up. The sky was bright blue without a single cloud. I had my usual cereal for breakfast - Frosted Flakes, my favorite! After that, I went outside to play on the swingset in our backyard. The sun felt warm on my face and the birds were singing happily.
A few hours later, I came back inside for lunch. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich - yum! My mom asked me if I wanted to go to the park after lunch. Of course I said yes! The park is my favorite place. I rushed to finish my sandwich so we could leave.
But when we stepped outside, the nice day had turned mean. The sky was no longer blue. It had gotten very dark and gloomy looking. Big puffy gray clouds had rolled in from somewhere. The bright sunshine was gone and it looked like nighttime even though it was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
"Oh no, I think a storm is coming," said Mom with a worried look on her face. She scanned the sky, squinting her eyes like she does when she's thinking hard.
I looked up too and that's when I noticed them - the clouds weren't just gray, they were swirling and twisting! The entire sky seemed to be moving and churning. It was liked a giant fan up there was stirring everything around. Scary looking streaks forked through the clouds, bright for just a second before fading away.
A low rumbling sound started, quiet at first but steadily growing louder. RRRRUUUUMMMMBBBLLLLEEEE. It reminded me of when a huge truck drives by our house - you can hear it coming from far away and feel it in your chest when it passes close by. Except this rumbling didn't fade away. It just kept going, getting louder and louder.
"We need to get inside now," Mom said urgently, grabbing my hand and rushing me back towards our front door. Just then, everything turned bright for a split second, much brighter than any regular sunny day. CRRRAAACCCKKK!!! The loudest noise I ever heard cracked through the air right above us.
I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut tight. My heart was pounding hard in my chest. That noise was so powerful and scary! When I opened my eyes again, big heavy dro
sort of strange翻译ps of water had started pelting down from the churning dark clouds. Within just a couple minutes, the rain went from a sprinkle to an absolute downpour.
Wind started whipping around too, blowing the raindrops sideways in wild zig-zags. Tree branches were thrashing violently overhead. I had never seen weather like this before and it terrified me. What else was going to happen next?
Thankfully, Mom got us safely inside just before the real storm hit. Through the living room windows, I watched in shock and awe as the backyard was transformed into a raging whirlwind of rainfall, wind, and crack after crack of bright lightning streaks across the sky followed by bone-shaking thunder booms.
Nature was putting on one heck of a wild show. I pulled my knees up to my chest on the couch and studied the storm raging outside with a mixture of fear and fascination. I had never appreciated regular calm sunny days so much before. I made a promise to myself to never take nice weather for granted again!
Once the storm finally started to calm down a couple hours later, the bravery came back to me. I raced outside to splash in the deep puddles that had formed and make mud pies, celebrating the return of mild weather. But I will never forget the incredible power of that storm and how swiftly the peaceful sunny morning had turned dark, windy, and violent. From blue skies to belting rain in a matter of minutes. The view before the storm struck is forever etched into my memory.
The Calm Before the Storm
Have you ever noticed how everything gets really quiet and still right before a big storm hits? The birds stop singing, the wind stops blowing, and even the bugs seem to disappear. It's like the whole world is holding its breath, waiting for something big to happen.
My dad says it's the calm before the storm, and he always knows when a storm is coming because of all the signs around us. He taught me how to watch for those signs too, so I can be prepared when a storm is on its way.