1. 形容词用法:
1.1 友善的、和蔼的:
- She is a kind and caring person.(她是一个友善和关心他人的人。)
- It was very kind of you to help me with my homework.(你帮助我做作业真是太好了。)
1.2 慷慨的、宽大的:
- He was kind enough to lend me his car for the weekend.(他很慷慨地借给我他的车过周末。)
- It was very kind of them to offer their assistance.(他们主动提供帮助真是太好了。)
1.3 仁慈的、宽容的:
- The judge showed kind leniency towards the first-time offender.(法官对初犯者表现出宽容。)
- Our teacher is always kind and understanding.(我们的老师总是很仁慈和理解。)
1.4 亲切的、温暖的:
- The old lady gave me a kind smile.(老太太给了我一个亲切的微笑。)
- It was a kind gesture for him to offer his seat to the elderly woman.(他把座位让给那位老妇人是一种友善的举动。)
1.5 类型、种类的:
- What kind of music do you like?(你喜欢什么类型的音乐?)
- She asked for some kind of explanation.(她要求某种解释。)
2. 名词用法:
sort of和kind of的区别2.1 种类、类型:
- There are many different kinds of dogs.(有很多不同种类的狗。)
- What kind of food do you want to eat tonight?(你今晚想吃什么类型的食物?)
2.2 仁慈、友善的行为:
- She always shows great kindness towards others.(她对他人总是表现出极大的善意。)
- The charity relies on the kindness of strangers to support its programs.(这个慈善机构仰仗陌生人的善意来支持其项目。)
- She looks at him kindly.(她友好地看着他。)
- He kindly offered to pick me up from the airport.(他友好地提出接我到机场。)
4.1 Kind of/sort of:有点儿,有几分
- He's kind of strange.(他有点奇怪。)
- The movie was sort of disappointing.(这部电影有点令人失望。)
4.2 Be kind to:对待友好,对···好
- You should be kind to animals.(你应该友善对待动物。)
- He is always kind to his employees.(他总是对他的雇员很好。)
4.3 Of a kind:类似的,同类的
- They are two of a kind.(他们是同一类人。)
- The two paintings are of a kind.(这两幅画是同类的。)
4.4 There's no kind way to say it:没办法客气地说出来
I don't know any kind way to say it, so I'll just be honest with you.(我不知道有什么办法可以仁慈地说出来,所以我只能老实告诉你。)
Kind是一个多义词,可用作形容词、名词和副词,代表友善、慷慨、亲切、仁慈等含义。在常用的固定搭配中,常见的有kind of/sort of、be kind to、of a kind和there's no kind way to say it等。这些用法和词组可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用kind这个词。
