    Starting a Cool New Club at School
    Hey friends! Have you ever thought about starting your very own club at school? It's a super fun way to get together with kids who like the same things you do. My name is Jessie and I just started the Awesome Artists Club at my elementary school. Let me tell you all about it and give you some tips for starting your own club too!
    First off, you gotta pick something you really really love for your club. That way, you'll have a blast doing all the club activities. For me, I'm obsessed with art - drawing, painting, sculpting, you name it! I used to just doodle in my notebooks during class, but now I have a whole club where we can create masterpieces together. Maybe you want to start a coding club if you're into computers and robots. Or a sports club for kids who can't get enough kickb
all and basketball. Perhaps a cooking club so you can whip up yummy treats! The possibilities are endless when you follow your passion.
    Once you know what kinda club you want, you gotta get some friends on board. It's way more fun with a whole crew of kids who are just as excited as you are. I started by asking my best buds Ava and Michael to be the co-presidents. We made a poster during art time with bright colors and pictures of puppies (because who doesn't love puppies?!) to advertise our first meeting. We hung it up in the cafeteria so everyone would see.
    At the first meeting, we had a dozen kids show up! We went around the room introducing ourselves and talking about what kind of art we enjoyed most. Ava's thing is painting fabulous sunsets and landscapes. Michael loves working with clay and sculpting animals. I'm a doodling machine - anytime, anywhere! By the end, we had a nice mix of artists who were stoked to start creating together.
    The hardest part was getting an adult leader for our club. Schools have rules that every club needs a teacher sponsor to make sure we behave and don't make too crazy a mess.
Mrs. Peterson, who teaches art, was happy to be our sponsor once we promised to clean up after ourselves. Phew! I don't know what we would've done if she said no.
    Now we meet every Thursday after school in the art room for an hour. We bring our own supplies from home and Mrs. Peterson gives us new ideas or techniques to try. One week we learned about shading and adding shadows to our drawings. Another time we did splatter painting - which was crazy messy but crazy fun! We take turns deciding what activities we'll do each week and showing off our latest masterpieces.
sort of club
    Pretty cool, right? The Awesome Artists Club has been a huge hit so far. You could totally start something just as amazing at your school for whatever you're interested in. Here are my best tips:
    Pick your club passion and recruit some friends to help
    Make an eye-catching poster or video to advertise the first meeting
    Have ideas ready so new members see how awesome it'll be
    Find a teacher sponsor (maybe bring them cookies to convince them!)
    Decide when/where you'll meet and what supplies everyone needs
    At meetings, mix it up with new activities and time for working on projects
    Make sure everyone helps clean up at the end
    Most importantly - have fun doing your favorite thing together!
    Clubs are a fantastic way to explore your interests and make friends who share your enthusiasm. You'll learn teamwork, responsibility, creativity, and leadership skills too. So what are you waiting for? Start plotting your dream club today! Who knows, it could become the highlight of your entire school year.
    I've gotta run for now, but let me know if you need any other club tips. I'll be the one going home covered in paint splatters with a giant smile every Thursday. Joining the Awesome Artists has been one of the best decisions I've ever made!
    What Clubs Would You Suggest Starting At Your School?
    Hey there! My name is Timmy and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. Our teacher Mrs. Jenkins asked us to write about what new clubs we think our school should start. She said they want to add some fun after-school activities for kids to join. I have a bunch of ideas that I think would be really cool!
    The first club I want to tell you about is a Science Club. How awesome would it be to have a club where we can do all sorts of neat experiments? We could make baking soda volcanoes, build robots, explore with microscopes, and even launch rocket ships! Science is my favorite subject because I love learning about how things work. In the Science Club, we could invite scientists and professors from the local college to come give presentations on interesting topics too. Maybe we could even go on field trips to museums, observatories, or science centers. Joining the Science Club would let kids like me who are really into science have a blast while learning.
