    My Journey Through Middle School So Far
    Whew, can you believe I'm already halfway through 7th grade? It feels like just yesterday I was a tiny little kid starting elementary school. Now I'm practically a teenager navigating the crazy world of middle school! Let me tell you, it's been quite the adventure so far.
    When I first stepped into the doors of Lake Middle School on that very first day, I was a nervous wreck. The building seemed SO huge compared to my cozy little elementary school. I got lost about a million times trying to find my classes. And don't even get me started on trying to open my locker combination lock - pretty sure I struggled for at least an hour that first day!
    But slowly but surely, I started getting the hang of things. I memorized the routes to all my classes. I can now open my locker without even really thinking about it. And I've figured out some good shortcuts through the halls to get places faster between classes. Basically, I've become a middle school pro!
    Then there's dealing with all the different teachers' personalities and teaching styles. Some teachers are really strict which stresses me out. Others are pretty relaxed and let us have a bit more freedom in class. A few of them actually make lessons really fun and interesting. And yeah, I've definitely had a teacher or two that I just couldn't stand. Figuring out how to best learn from each teacher has been a skill in itself that I'm still working on.
    I've also had to get used to not having the same close-knit class of kids anymore. In elementary school, pretty much everyone knew each other really well since you had most of the same classmates year after year. Now I have different students in practically every class period. It's been fun getting to know new people, but also kind of hard loosing that tight community feeling I had before.
    And let's not forget dealing with the great and mysterious life forms known as middle school DRAMA. Whew, I didn't realize how much complicated social stuff there was going to be at this age! There always seems to be some sort of feud, rumor, or friendship breakup happening. Sometimes it's honestly hard to keep track of who is still friends with who. I've struggled a good amount with figuring out where I fit in friend-wise and dealing with cliques. Overall, I've learned middle school social politics is like its own complicated eco-system that takes effort to successfully navigate.
sort of club
    Despite all the challenges though, being in middle school has also been really cool in a lot of ways! I feel like I'm finally being treated more like a young adult instead of just a little kid. My classes let me explore subjects in much more depth than before, which is exciting. And I have so many more extracurricular options to pick from like clubs, sports, and other activities. I've joined the art club and swim team so far this year, both of which I'm really enjoying.
    Another big perk of middle school is finally getting to change classes for each period inst
ead of being stuck in the same room all day long. It's so nice to get a little break and "recharge" by going to a new classroom for each topic. As boring as it can sometimes be to have to actually move locations, those three minute transitions between classes are everything!
    Overall, I'd say my middle school experience so far has been a bit of a rollercoaster. There's definitely been plenty of highs and lows that I've had to push through. Some days, I miss the simplicity of elementary school. Other days though, I feel so grown up and mature taking on
    My Life as a Seventh Grader
    Being in 7th grade is an exciting and challenging experience! So much has changed since I was in elementary school. I have to manage my time better, deal with more responsibilities, and navigate the complex social world of middle school. It's a lot, but I'm doing my best to stay on top of everything.
    One of the biggest adjustments has been having multiple teachers and moving between different classrooms for each subject. In elementary school, I had the same teacher all day long except for classes like art, music, and P.E. Now I have 7 different teachers, each with their own teaching styles, expectations, and homework loads. It can be tough to keep everything straight!
    My daily schedule looks like this: First period is Math with Mr. Rodriguez. He's a pretty strict teacher but I find his lessons really helpful for understanding algebra concepts. I struggled a bit at first but working with a tutor has boosted my confidence. Second period is Science with Mrs. Grant. We're learning about cells and genetics this semester which I find fascinating! She makes the material engaging with lots of hands-on labs and activities.
