    The Big English Test
    On September 12, 2020 I had to take a very big and important English test called the English Test for Mastery Level 6. It was a Saturday, which was weird because tests are usually on school days. My mom drove me to the test center really early in the morning before the sun was even up! The sign outside said "Linguistic Testing Center" which is a fancy way to say it's a place they give big language tests.
    When we went inside there were lots of other kids there too, pretty much all teenagers. We had to go through a metal detector scanner thingy first, like at the airport. I don't know why they make you do that for a test. Maybe to make sure nobody is cheating by bringing in secret notes or something?
    After we went through security, there was a big room with lots of small desks all facing the front. It reminded me of the cafeteria at school, except without the food and it was full of desks instead of tables. A nice lady showed me to my desk and gave me instructions about what to do. She talked about things like showing my ID, turning off my phone, and only using a pencil, not a pen. Simple stuff that they always tell you for tests.
    Then she passed out the test booklets. I wasn't allowed to open it until she said the official start time. When I finally got to look inside, I saw it was super thick! Like maybe 100 pages? My heart started beating really fast. There were four sections: Listening Comprehension, Linguistic Knowledge, Reading Comprehension, and Writing.
    For the Listening section, we had to put on headphones and listen to recordings of people talking. There were conversations between two people, lectures, and news reports. After each recording, there were multiple choice questions about what we had heard. Some of them were pretty tricky because the recordings would use idioms or phrases I wasn't familiar with. The speakers also talked sort of fast sometimes which made it hard to understand every single word they said.
sort of和kind of    I felt okay about how I did on the Listening part, even though some of the questions stumped me. But then we moved on to the Linguistic Knowledge section which was brutal! It was all these random questions about English grammar rules, vocabulary, and even etymology. Like I'm supposed to know where words came from originally? Who cares? Lots of questions asked me to identify errors in sentences. Some of them looked totally fine to me but I guess they had subtle mistakes. This section was my worst nightmare.
    Thank goodness we then got a break for lunch! I went outside and ate the sandwich and snacks my mom had packed for me. I was already exhausted and it wasn't even 1pm yet. I tried not to think about the test while I was eating.
    After lunch was the Reading Comprehension section. This part wasn't as bad. We had longer passages to read, mostly science-y or academic articles it seemed like. But the questions were still pretty challenging. A lot of them asked about the main ideas, writing styles, implications, or they gave statements and you had to say if they were true, false, or it couldn't be determined based on the information in the passage. The reading part took a really long time because the passages were so dense.
    Finally, it was the last section - Writing. We had two tasks for this part. First we had to read a short argument about some topic, and then write a response expressing our opinion and addressing the other writer's points. I wrote about whether high school students should be required to complete community service hours to graduate. I tried my best to structure my essay with clear opinions, evidence, explanations, and all that good stuff.
    The second writing task seemed easier to me. We just had to read a brief background statement, and then write a short composition related to the topic it introduced. I wrote a description of my favorite teacher and why she is so great at her job. Definitely way easier than having to take a stance and build an argument essay.
    After I turned in the Writing booklet, I was finally done! The whole testing session took about 4 hours I think. My brain felt like mush at the end. I couldn't wait to just go home and veg out. A bunch of kids stuck around in the waiting area because their parents hadn't arrived to pick them up yet. I was lucky my mom was one of the first ones there.
    In the car she asked me how it went. I just shrugged because I honestly had no idea if I
did well or bombed it. The test was so long and covered such a wide range of English skills, from listening to writing to analyzing grammar. I did my best but some parts were just plain hard, especially that Linguistic Knowledge section. My mom said that's okay though, and that she's proud of me no matter what my score ends up being. I'll find out my results in a couple months.
    For now, I'm just relieved it's over! I'm definitely taking a break from any English practice or studying this weekend. In fact, I might not want to read, write, speak or hear any English at all for a little while after such an intense test. Maybe I'll just watch cartoons in another language to give my brain a rest. Although I do hope I scored high enough to be at the true "Mastery Level" as it's called. I guess we'll see! If not, there's always next year to try again. But let's not think about that yet!
