C5T3S1 C5T3S1 Level1
Good morning, please take a seat. How can I help you?Well, ________________ buying a new car and I'd like some advice.Sure, yes. Had you got any particular make in mind?I'm interested in a Lida - I've had one before and liked it. But I haven’t
really ___________________.Sure. We've got various models. Umm, right. What about the ___________
? Any ideas?The one I've got at the moment's a 1.2 liter engine but I find it a bit slow on _____________. I'd like a bit more power this time ... a 1.4 should do, don't
think I need a 1.6 ______________.Right. Well I think the model you're looking at is the Max. Here's a picture.Oh, yes ... have you got one in?
Yes. I'll take you to have a look at it ______________. I'll just get a few more
details. Er ... Is there anything else to do with the engine? What kind of
gear change do you want? I ______________ you'd want a manual?I'd want automatic - I've never drive
n a car with ______________.Right. Well now, here's the color chart for the Max. Have you given that any thought? This blue's very popular at the moment. Yes, it is nice, I like blue. What's it called? 'Royal'?Yes.than I thought
I’m thinking of
made up my mind make — brand
have sth. in mind make up one’s mind = make a decision
engine size engineer engineering
long journeys
boys or anything something like that
in a minute in a moment
in a short while
in a second
presume assume
manual gears
But actually, I think I prefer this lighter shade here - 'sky'.Yes, that's popular too.I think I'll go for that.You might have to wait ______________ for that color, but I assume that'd
be OK?Oh yes, fine.Well, we can go outside and you can have a good look at one, and perhaps
take it out. But first, can I just ask you about ___________? The cash price is going to be somewhere in the region of ____________________________.
How would you like to pay? Are you in a position to pay cash, or would you need credit?I'd like credit provided the __________ are reasonable.Well you can discuss that with my colleague in a moment; we have various
______________. And would you be interested in us taking your ______________ car as part exchange?Yes.OK, fine. So I'll just need some details from you and then we can do a
______________ ... Is that OK?Fine, yes.Could I have your full name?Wendy Harries, that's H-A-double R-I-E-S.And is that Mrs ... Miss ... Ms ... ?It's Doctor, actually.Oh, right. And your address?__________________.Is that 'Green' spelled as in the color?a week or so about around
approximately or so
bright yellow dark red navy blue
finance financial aid
seven and a half thousand terms if = provided
arrangements college
present present adj. now current
v. show n. gift
valuation value
20 Green Banks
Yes, that's right.OK.Alton.Is that O-L-T-O-N?Not quite, it begins with an A, not an O.Oh yes, that's in Hampshire isn't it?That's right.And do you know your ______________?Yes. It's ______________.Do you have a daytime phone number?Well, I work at the hospital but it's ______________ to get hold of me. I can
give you a number just for messages, and then I'll get back to you when I can. is that OK? That's fine.
It's 0-7-9-8-2-5-7-6-4-3.Fine. And about the car you have now, what make is it?It's a Conti.Do you kno
w the year or the model name?I think it's __________, and it's called a Lion - like the animal.Then it must be 1994, because they brought out the Fox after that. Oh right, yes.______________? ______________?postcode
GU8 9EW a bit difficult a little
a bit
a little bit sort of kind of
room number 101
Mileage mph mile per hour
approximately roughly or so
I'm not sure. I know it's less than seventy thousand.What color is it?It's grey, ______________.Right, and one last thing-what sort of condition would you say it's in? I'd
probably describe it as ______________. Do you need to see it? It's parked
outside.Not at the moment, no. Perhaps you could call in one day next week ...
C5T3S1 Level2
Good morning, please take a seat. How can I help you?Well, I'm thinking of buying a new car and ______________.Sure, yes. Had you got any ______________
in mind?I'm interested in a Lida - I've had one before and liked it. But I haven’t really made up my mind.
Sure. We've got ______________
. Umm, right. What about the engine size? Any ideas?The one I've got at the moment's a ______________ but I find it a bit slow
on long journeys. I'd like a bit more power this time ... a ______________,
don't think I need a 1.6 or anything.Right. Well I think the model you're looking at is the Max. Here's a picture.Oh, yes ... have you got one in?
Yes. I'll take you to have a look at it in a minute. I'll just get a few more details. Er ... Is there anything else to do with the engine?
________________________ do you want? I presume you'd want a manual?metallic grey
metalsort of和kind of
reasonable reason
Don’t bother reasoning with him.
I’d like some advice.suggestion
a piece of advice
recommendation counsel
It’s unwise to reject my counsel.particular make various models a variety of / various
different/all kinds/sorts of
1.2 liter engine 1.4 should do What kind of gear change
2019暑期精听训练营Page of 510______________ - I've never driven a car with manual gears.Right. Well now, here's ______________ for the Max. Have you given
that any thought? This blue's very popular at the moment. Yes, it is nice, I like blue. What's it called? 'Royal'?Yes.But actually, I think I prefer this lighter shade here - 'sky'.Yes, that's popular too.I think ______________.You might have to wait a week or so for that color, but I assume that'd be OK?Oh yes, fine.Well, we can go outside and you can have a good look at one, and perhaps take it out. But first, can I just ask you about finance? The cash price is
going to be ___________________________ seven and a half thousand. How
would you like to pay? Are you in a position to pay cash, or would you need credit?I'd like credit ______________ the terms are reasonable.Well you can discuss that with my colleague in a moment; we have various arrangements. And would you be interested in us ______________
__________________________________________?Yes.OK, fine. So I'll just need some details from you and then we can do a valuation ... Is that OK?Fine, yes.____________________________?I’d want automatic genetic genetics
auto automobile
audi audience audit
color chart graph diagram
table figure plot
matplotlib. plt I’ll go for that light/ bright
somewhere in the region of provided taking your present car as part exchange Could I have your full name May I have your name please?