Unit2Saving the Earth
T opic3What can we do at home to protect the environment?一.重点句型:
Section A
1.Then we sort them so that they can be recycled.并把它们分类存放,以便回收利用。
A.sort v.整理,归类,分拣;
sort letters分拣信件;
I like sorting things in my sp are time.在空闲时间我喜欢整理东西。
B.sort=kind n.分类,类别;品质,本性;方法;一;
a sort of一种.......;sort of adv.有点,有几分地(想不出恰当的词或不知下面该怎么说时用)可以说,可说是;
Y ou can't put that sort of fear into words.那种恐惧无法用语言表达。
2.We should use both sides of paper,and reuse plastic bags.我们应该双面使用纸张,重复使用塑料袋。
There are a lot of trees on both sides of the road.
=There are a lot of trees on either side of the road.在路的两边有许多树。
3.My main job is to help spread message about protecting the environment.我主要的工作是帮助做有关保护环境的宣传。
4.We all know that you’re working for some organizations that protect the environment.我们都知道你在为环保组织工作。
work for…表“为……工作”
He works for a foreign comp any in Shanghai.他在上海为一家外资公司工作。
Section B
1.Would you like to be a greener person?你想成为一名绿使者吗?
2.Y ou ought to shut off the electricity when you leave a room.你离开房间的时候应该随手关灯。
(1)A.ought to情态动词,表“应该;应当”;语气比should强;指道义上应该做的事,有时含有责备或督促的语气。should指主观上感到有责任或义务去做。
B.ought to是情态动词,无人称和时态、数的变化,后接动词原形;
Y ou ought to help your mothe r do some housework.你应该帮你妈妈做些家务。
W e should study hard.我们应该努力学习。
①ought to的否定式:ought not to+v.=oughtn’t to+v.
②ought to的疑问句形式是将ought提前即可。
Y ou oughtn't to get up so late in the morning.你早晨不应该起这么晚。
O ug h t I to tell her the bad news?我该告诉她坏消息吗?
Y es,you ought.No,you oughtn't.
3.Y ou’d better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi.
A.instead of是动词短语,意为“代替”,其后接名词、动名词、代词。
C.take the place of意为“代替…,取代…,接替…的位置”,可作谓语。
1)Mr.Li was ill,so Mr Zhang took his lesson___him.
B.instead of
2)We’ve got no coffee.Let’s have tea____.
4.It’s so easy to be a greener person.成为一名环保者真容易。
A.It is/was+adj.+to do sth.句型中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是to be a greener person。类似的句型有It is/was+adj.+of/ do sth.。
B.当用形容词来描述人的性格、特征、品质时,通常选用of,这类形容词有good,kind,nice, wise,clever,foolish,right,wrong,careful等。
It’s nice of you to come.你能来实在太好了。
C.当形容词用来描述事物的性质、特征时,通常选用for,这类形容词有easy,difficult,hard, important,necessary,possible,interesting等。
It’s very important for everyone to protect the environment.对每个人来说,保护环境都很重要。
5.Easier said than done.说得容易,做得难。
6.Actions speak louder than words.百说不如一干;事实胜于雄辩。
Section C
1.It’s too small to hold many people,but the larger models will be developed in the near future.它太小,不能承载太多的人,但是,不就的将来,更大的车型将会被研制出来。
①hold v.容纳,包含;
The plane holds a bo u t300passengers.这架飞机可容纳大约300名乘客。
②hold v.拿着,抓住,抱住;
He was holding the baby in his arms.他抱着婴儿。
③hold v.召开,举行,进行(比赛,会议等);
The Olympic Games are held every four years.奥运会每四年举行一次。
④hold v.(打电话时)等待,不挂断;
Hold on,please!请稍等。
2.People use sunlight to produce electricity.人们用太阳光发电。
A. do sth.用某物做某事;
P eople use wood t o mak e paper.人们用木材造纸。
B.be used for doing sth,/to do sth.被用来做某事;
Wood is used to mak e paper.=Wood is used for making paper.木材被用来造纸。
C.be/get used to doing sth.习惯(做)某事;
I am used to living here.我习惯住在这里。
D.used to do sth.过去常常做某事;
Mr.White used t o smoke.怀特先生过去常常吸烟。
Section D
1.They plant different types of trees so that birds and animals can live in the forests。他们种植了不同种类的树,因此小鸟和动物们能够居住在森林里。
so that此处引导目的状语从句,意为“目的是,为的是”,可换成in order that。They climbed higher so that they might see farther.他们爬得更高,以便看得更远。
2.Y ou have not started turning green yet.你还没有开始成为绿使者。
Y ou are pale green.你刚刚成为绿卫士。
Y ou are medium green.你是中级绿卫士。
Y ou are bright green.你优秀的绿卫士。
3.Your are bright green,but do not stop trying.你是个优秀的绿使者,但是不要停止努力。
A.stop doing sth.停止正在做的事;
When the teacher came in,the students stopped talking and laughing.当老师走进来,学生们停止了说
B.stop to do sth.停下来(正在做的事)做另一件事;
He stopped to talk with her.他停下来和她讲话。
1.interview sb.采访某人;
2.environmental protection环境保护;
3.work for为.......工作,为.......坚持不懈地努力;
4.main job主要工作;
5.spread the message about…宣传有关……的信息;
6.the three R’s—reduce,reuse and recycle3R-----减少使用、再次使用和回收再利用;
7.reduced the waste减少浪费;
8.reuse plastic bags重复使用塑料袋;
9. do sth.鼓励某人做某事;
10.save money节约资金;
11.collection waste paper收集废纸;
12.soft drink cans软饮料瓶;
13.wonderful ideas!多么好的想法啊!
14.failed the exam考试不及格;
15.nod the head点头;
16.shake the head摇头;
17.miss the bus错过那趟公交车;
18.type of garbage垃圾种类;
19.glass bottles玻璃瓶;
20.paper cups纸杯;
21.get so much garbage到这么多垃圾;
22.lunch box午餐盒;
23.shut off the electricity关电;
24.both ……的两面;
25.reduce air pollution减少空气污染;
26.ought to+v.=be supposed to v.应该做某事;
27.leave a room离开房间;
28.ride a bike骑自行车;
29.take a bus or taxi乘公交车或出租车;
30.travel a short distance短途旅行;
31.save energy节约能源;
32.instead of代替;
33.take  a  cloth  bag
34.Easier  said  than  done.
说起来容易做起来难。 35.Actions  speak  louder  than  words. 行动胜于言辞。 36.after  all  毕竟,终归;
37.lose  one ’home  失去某人的家园; 38.produce  power  from … 从……获得能量 39.acid  rain
40.use  nuclear  energy
41.solve  the  energy  problem  解决能源问题; 42.use  biogas  technology  使用沼气技术; 43.renewable  energy  可再生能源; 44.key  disadvantage  主要缺点; 45.electric  vehicles
46.2010 Shanghai  World  Expo  2010 上海世博会; 47.the  best -known  maglev  train  磁悬浮列车; 48.reach  a  top  speed  of  最高速度可达........ 49.maglev  guide  paths
悬浮轨道; 50.traditional  steel  railways  传统轨道; 51.run  out
用完,耗尽; 52.the  lungs  of  the  earth  地球的肺;
53.remove  carbon  dioxide  吸收二氧化碳; 54.make  oxygen
55.face  many  difficulties  面对很多困难; 56.so  that
目的是,为的是; 57.even  though  / even  if  即使,尽管,虽然; 58.be  used  for  doing  sth. 被用作做某事; 59.take  a  shower  淋浴;
60.pick  the  litter  up  捡起垃圾; 61.paper  towel
纸巾; 62.turn  off  the  lights  关灯;
63.stop  doing  sth. 停止正在做的事;
64.stop  to  do  sth. 停下来(正在做的事)做另一件事;
并列句:是由并列连词把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起构成的句子,连词前可用逗号, 也可不用逗号。
1.表示并列关系,常用连接词有 and, not  only …but  also …等。如:
His  father  is  a  teacher  and  his  mother  is  a  doctor .他的父亲是一位老师,母亲是一位医生。 Mr . Green  can  not  only  drive  a  car  but  also  repair  it.格林先生不但会开车而且还能修车。 2.表示转折,常用连词有 but, while  等。如:
I  bought  my  sister  a  present, but  she  didn  ’like  it. 我给妹妹买了一件礼物,但是她并不喜 欢。
T om  does  housework  every  day  while  his  sister  does  nothing. 汤姆每天都做家务活,而他的 妹妹什么也不做。
3.表示选择关系,常用连词有 or, either …or …等。如:
He speaks French,or perhaps he understands it.他会讲法语,或者懂法语。
Either he could not come or he did not want to.他要么是不能来要么是不想来。
Her moth e r is ill,so she has to stay at home and look after her mother.
The ground is very wet,for it rained last night.地面很湿,因为昨晚下雨了。
()1.Be careful,________you will fall off the bike.
()2.Edison said,“Never give up,_________you'll make it.”
sort of和kind of<
()3.Lucy and Lily are twins.Lucy likes playing table tennis,___Lily doesn't.
()4.Mr.Green knows little German,____he can't understand the instructions on the bottle of the pills.
()5.My aunt doe sn't have mu ch money,_________she always enjoys himself.
1.Everyone ought______a greener person.
< be
2.He stayed home instead of_____because of the heavy rain.
< out
B.went out
3.Y ou’d better__on your coat.It is cold outside.
< put
4.The cleaners o ften collect all kinds of garbage in the park,the n__them,so that they can be recycled.
5.Please remember to___the tap after you using the water.
A.turn off
B.turn on
D.shut off
6.She bought a skate board online_____she saved a lot of time.
A.so that
B.as soon as
C.such that
< matter
7.Every studen t is_____to obey the school rules.
8.A farmer in England u se d animal waste to_____his machine.
9.Y ou ought to return the b ook to the school library_____.Other students will borrow it.
A.at times
B.in time
< time
D.at the same time
10.He is rich,_____he is happy,too.
11.—When_____he leave for the city?—He_____next week.
A.does;will leave
C.has;has left
12.—It’s a long story,but you can hardly find new words in it.
t  ( d
—Good! _____ it  will  be  too  hard  for  children. A.So    B.And    C.But  D .Or  13.S tudents  ought  _____ the  truth.
<  tell
C.while  D .and
15.If  we  travel  a  short  distance, we  should  walk  _____ taking  a  bus. Then  we ’ll  be  greener  people.
A.instead  of
C.while  D .but
Have  you  ever  stayed  in  a  hotel? Most  Chinese  hotels  o ften  provide  guests  with  things  like  disposable(一次性的) toothbrushes, toothp aste, shampoo  and  slippers. Many  guests  like  the  idea  because  they  don ’ have  to  bring  their  own. But  if  you  travel  to  Beijing, remember  to  bring  these  things  of  your  own. That ’s  because  some  hotels  in  Beijing  have  no  longer  provided  guests  with  these  disposables  ( 一次性用品). Many  disposable  things  are  made  of  plastic. P eopl
e  throw  them  away  after  only  using  them  once. It ’s  a  waste  of  natural  resources  (资 源) and  is  very  bad  for  the  environment.
In  Beijing, people  throw  away  about  19,000 tons  of  plastic  bags  and  1,320 tons  of  lunch  bowls  every  year!
Plastic  can  tak e  100 to  400 years  to  break  down. So  the  less  plastic  we  throw  away , the  better  environment  we  will  have.
So, wherever  you  travel, bring  your  own  things  and  use  them  again  and  again. Back  at  home  and  school, you  can  also  do  something  to  mak e  our  world  a  better  place. Try  to  do  these  things  in  your  daily  life:
Use  cloth  shopping  bags, not  plastic  ones.
After  using  a  plastic  bag, wash  it  out  and  let  it  dry . Then  use  it  over  and  over  again. Do  not  use  p ape r  cups.
At  your  school  canteen  (餐厅), use  your  own  bowls  and  chopsticks  instead  of  disposable  ones. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。
( )1.Many  guests  like  to  use  disposable  things  because  they  are  very  convenient  方便的). ( )2.Some  Beijing  hotels  have  no  longer  provided  guests  with  free  TV  programmes. ( )3.Plastic  breaks  down  easily.
( )4.After  using  a  plastic  bowl  or  a  bag, we ’ b etter  throw  it  away , because  it ’s  too  dirty  to  use  again.
( )5.We  should  use  less  plastic  things  and  protect  our  environment.
