Unit 3
publicity [u]公众的注意,名声 [u](商业)广告,宣传,宣扬
    The story created a lot of publicity for the actor.这篇报道使那位演员名声大振。
    The concert was a good onebut because of bad publicityvery few people came.音乐会很好,但是由于宣传不到位,来的观众很少。    ·
    【考点】  1)publicity后常接介词for,表示对宣传,见上面例句。
    2)in the full blaze of publicity在众目睽睽下,大肆宣扬
    【记忆技 public n.公众的,公开的;publication n.出版()publicize。.宣传
cultivate 培养,陶冶,发展 耕种,耕作
    You ought to cultivate the habit of listening to what you are told.你应该养成倾听别人说话
    His father cultivates a farm of 30 acres.他父亲耕种了一个30英亩土地的农场。
    【考点】  cultivate常构成下列搭配:cultivate the habit of doing sth.养成做的习惯;cultivate one’s mind  陶冶情操;cultivate a taste for培养对的兴趣
    【记忆技巧】  cultivated a.趣味高雅的,有修养的;cultivation.耕作;cultivator  n.耕作者
suspend  vt.暂停,中止, 悬挂
    They suspended construction during the strike.罢工期间他们中止了建设。
    We saw the smoke suspended in the still air.我们看到轻烟在静止的空气中悬浮着。
  【考点】  suspend sbfrom sth.勒令某人暂时停职,停止履行职责等,如:
    He was such a failure that he was suspended from medical school.他总是考试不及格,被医学院勒令退学了。
  【记忆技巧】  suspense .担心,悬念;suspension”.悬浮;suspender吊带  strain  [Cu]0(对精力、体力、能力的)苛求,压力0拉紧,绷紧Vt0扭伤,损伤0拉紧,绷紧尽力使用,使紧张.竭力,尽全力
    The exhausted Wilton coHapsed under the strain.因过度紧张,筋疲力尽的威尔逊支撑不住了。
    The students strained to understand what the foreign teacher mid.学生们努力听懂外籍老师所说的话。
  【考点】  strain常构成下列搭配:strain an ears竖起耳朵听;strain one’s eyes瞪大眼睛看;strain one’s voice  扯着嗓门叫;sort of和kind ofstrain to do sth.竭力做
  【记忆技巧】  strained n.勉强的,紧张的
  【辨析】  strainpressurestresstension这组词都有压力的意思。
    blood pressure血压
    He changed his mind under pressure from others。在别人的压力下,他改变了主意。
  stress 通常指作用于物体上的力或指由于生活或工作上的困难,肉体上的痛苦所造成的心理上的紧张,如:
    The stress of work made him ill.工作上的压力使他病倒了。
    This latest spy affair has created a lot of tension.最近这次间谍事件使局势变得十分紧张。
preliminary .预备的,初步的n.常用复数,初步做法,准备工作
    They are taking preliminary steps in preparation for a possible war.他们正在为应付一场可能的战争做初步准备。
    The ministers dispensed with all preliminaries and opened their discussions immediately.部长们免去了开始前的一切客套,立即开始讨论。
    All this is preliminary to the main election struggle.这一切活动只是进行大选较量的预选活动。
  【记忆技巧】preliminarily ad.初步地
controversy  [Cu]争议,争论
    There was  much controversy before the family would agree to my suggestion.争论了很长时间,这家人才同意我的提议。
    They had a bitter controversy over the question whether they were going to publish the book.他们就是否出版这本书这个问题,进行了激烈的争论。 
    【考点】其常用搭配有:arouse a controversy引起一场争论;a controversy overabout
    controversy with sb.与的争议;a controversy between A and B AB之间的争论;beyond controversy 无可争辩的(),无疑的()in controversy争论中的,有争议的
    【记忆技巧】  controversial  有争议的,引起争议的
    【辨析】  controversyargumentdebatedispute这四个名词都有争论,辩论的意思。
    The new movement appointments have aroused much controversy.新的政府任命引起了很大的争论。
    argument通常指两个人之间的口头争论, 双方的分歧结果可能得到解决,也可能得不到解决。如:
    we should try to settle this affair by argument not by fighting.我们应该通过辩论而不是
    The two college teams will have a debate on Saturday.两个大学队将在星期六举行辩论比赛。
    The dispute over the property was settled in court.关于财产的争执在法院里得到解决。
  admission [u]允许进入,准许加入O[cu]承认,供认    ’
