a sort of的用法    Tom and Jerry are the most famous cat-and-mouse duo in the world. They're not just regular characters from a cartoon, they're legends!
    Tom, the big, bold tomcat, always tries to catch Jerry, the tiny yet cunning mouse. But no matter how hard Tom tries, Jerry always seems to escape just in the nick of time. It's a never-ending battle between these two.
    Jerry loves to tease Tom. He'll set up traps and pranks, just to see Tom's angry face. But even when Tom gets angry, it's hard to stay mad at him. He's just so lovable, in a sort of grumpy-old-cat way.
    And Tom, well, he's a bit of a mess. He's always chasing after Jerry, falling into traps, and getting into all sorts of silly situations. But he never gives up. You gotta admire that kind of persistence, even if it's a little bit comical.
    They say enemies become the best of friends. But not in this case! Tom and Jerry are rival
s, pure and simple. But even though they're always at each other's throats, there's something about.
