1.basis [ 'beɪsɪs ]: n. 基础; 根据; 基点        (复数:bases )
base: n. 底部; 基础; (军事)基地
1)Is money the basis of a happy life?
2)The basis of a good marriage is trust.
3)This report will form the basis for our discussion. 
2.on the basis of: 在某事的基础上; 根据某事
1)Scholarships are given mainly on the basis of grades.
2)He was chosen for the job on the basis of his ability.
3. loan [ləʊn ]: n.贷款;借款
You can pay back the loan in three years.
4. take out a loan: 取得贷款
get/receive a loan: 获得贷款
apply for a loan: 申请贷款
pay back a loan: 偿还贷款
pay off a loan: 还清贷款
1)Tom spent all his savings and took out a large loan.
2)We're going to take out a small business loan.
3)I will have to take out a loan to buy a house. 
4)She wants to take out a loan for school. 
5. plastic [ 'plæstɪk]: n. 塑料; 塑料学(plastics)
adj. 塑料制的;塑料的
1)Chen Liyan found 10,000 yuan in a small plastic bag in Taiyuan Railway Station.
2)A plastic bottle is floating in the water.
3)The pipes are made of plastic.
6. apologise [ə'pɒlədʒaɪz] (= apologize):  v. 道歉;谢罪
apology: n. 道歉;谢罪
: 因...而道歉
apologise to sb (): (因...而)向某人道歉
make an apology to sb: 向某人道歉
1)Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldn’t offer her more money.
2)If you hurt someone's feelings, you should apologise.
3)You should apologize for your mistake.
7. ignore [ɪɡ'nɔː(r)]: v. 忽视;不予理会
  leave/let…alone/be: 不打扰...; 不惊动...
  leave alone: 更不用说
1)Also, while listening don’t ignore the speakers’ tone and intonation----these can be
important clues. too
2)She ignored him and carried on with her work. 
3)The government has ignored his views on the project. 
8. in return(): 作为回报;作为回应
in turn:  依次; 轮流; 转而
1)When we help someone, should we expect to get something in return?
2)He sent me a present; I should give him something in return.
3)In return, they expect you to work hard and make a contribution to the factory.
4)She will buy you a car in return for your help in the past.
5)If we drive in turn, we will not be tired.
9.  judge [dʒʌdʒ ]: v. 评价;评判;判断
n. 法官; 审判员; 裁判员
judgement/judgment : n. 判断(力); 判决; 评价
judging by/from: 从判断
coach: n. 教练
athlete/ player : n. 运动员
1)Should we judge people based on how much money they have?
2)Don't judge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人
3)The judge sentenced(判处) him to ten years in prison.
4) Judging by her last letter,she is having a wonderful time there
10.scene [siːn]: n. (戏剧或歌剧的); 现场; 场面
  see  --  saw  --  seen
2)Many firefighters were on the scene immediately.
3) The driver was seen running away from the scene of the accident
11.narrator [nə'reɪtə(r)]: n(/戏剧或电影中的)叙述者;讲述者;
1)Lucy, the story's narrator, is an actress in her late twenties.
sort of英文
2)The narrator is a special and important character.
12.narration [nə'reɪʃn]: n.叙述; 讲述; 解说
1)He has recorded the narration for the film
2)This novel uses the first person(人称) in narration.
13.bet [bet] ( bet--bet): n. 打赌;赌注
v. 下赌注;打赌
win/lose a bet: 赌赢/赌输
1)He bet $500 on the final score of the match.
2)You have to be over 16 to bet. 
3)We can put a bet on almost anything these days.
4)I have a bet on the horse.
14.make a bet : 打个赌
  make a bet with sb : 与某人打个赌
  make/have/place/put a :  就...打赌/下赌
1)Two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet.
2) Let's make a bet on the football match. 
15. servant [ 'sɜːvənt]: n. 仆人;佣人
a public servant: 公务员
waiter: n. (男)服务员
waitress: n. (女)服务员
1)They treat their mother like a servant.
2)This man is a hardworking public servant.
16. as a matter of fact: 事实上;其实; 说真的
in fact  =  in effect  =  actually
1)It's not that/so difficult. As a matter of fact, it's quite easy. 
2)As a matter of fact, he isn't richer than a beggar.
3)You did a good job, as a matter of fact. 
17.by accident: 偶然地; 意外地
by chance:  偶然地
on purpose: 故意地
by mistake: 错误地; 无意中
1)As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.
2)We met by accident at the airport.
3)Last time I met her in the street by accident.
4)She discovered the problem by accident. 
5)The old man got his lost car back by accident.
18. sail [seil]: v.()航行; ()乘船航行
sailor:n. 海员; 水手
