1短语2动词3 动词短语4非谓语动词5句式6虚拟语气7情态动词8名词代词
9从句10 时态11交际12 形容词副词短语13连接词14冠词
1. The form cannot be signed by anyone ____ yourself.
A .rather than B. other than C .more than
D .better than
2 ____, there are 200 visitors to the exhibition every day.
A In average
B At average
C On average
D For average
3 ___ I know, riding a bike is ___ the easier than driving a car.
A As far as; so far
B As far as; by far
C So far as; so far as
D By far; as far as
4 I wonder what will become of my son. ___ endless of homework, he also bears other leading loads such as revision and recitation.
A With
B Instead of
C As well as
D Rather than
5 She was nearly well-known to everyone because of the ___ that she played in the film.
A part
B work
C scene
D section
6---You look uneasy. Is there anything wrong?
---I feel ___ cold.
A sort of
B a sort of
C of a sort
D of sort
7 ---Does Bill do his new job well?
-- ___ his old job. I’m afraid there is no hope for him.
A Not better as
B No better than
C Not so well as
D No less than
8 Tom did well in the last English exam, and much to my joy, Mary did ___ than Tom.
A no better
B no worse
C not better
D not worse
2动词3 动词短语
1. The old lady ____ the shopkeeper of charging her too much for the goods she had bought.
A . charged B. blamed C .criticized D . accused
2. The police ___ him of giving them false information because they didn’t find the ___ according to his words.
A. suspected; suspect
B. suspected; suspected
C. suspected; suspecting
D. suspecting; suspectingsort of英文
3. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ___ to the digital resources of the library.
A. access
B. passage
C. way
D. approach
4. Her mother does not ____ of her going to study abroad.
A. admit
B. agree
C. prove
D. approve
5. As senior 3 students, it is the most important to ___ a good state of mind in face of failure.
A.keep up
B. keep on
C. keep out
D. keep off
6. If you are in trouble, don’t turn to him for help, because he is not a person who can be ____ .
A. counted
B. counted on
C. depended
D. based on
7. Some of the students have already learned enough English to ___    a conversation with an English speaker. A. go on B. carry on C. keep on D. hold on
8. He ____ his engagement j ust before the wedding.
A. broke out
B. broke away from
C. broke off
D. broke up
9. It is all agreed that a good education doesn’t ____ a good job.
A guarantee
B result
C depend
D swear
10 I won’t want to ___ the topic, but why on earth did you get home that late
