初中英语中考必背词组汇总(共305个)(考前必看 光速逆袭)
1.A bit - a small amount or for a short time
2.A few - a small number of something
3.A kind of - a type or sort of something
4.A little - a small amount of something
5.A lot of - a large amount of something
6.A number of - several or many of something
7.A pair of - two of something
8.A piece of - a part or n of something
9.Above all - most importantly
10.According to - based on or in accordance with something
11.After all - in spite of everything
12.After class - after a class or lesson
13.Again and again - XXX
14.Agree to do something - to give consent or approval to do something
15.Agree with someone - to have the same XXX
16.All kinds of - a wide variety of something
17.All over - XXX
18.All right - XXX
19.Arrive at/in a place - to reach a n
20.As a result - XXX
29.Be proud of - to XXX
something - to have XXX
31.Belong to - to be owned by or a part of something
32.Both。and - including or XXX
33.Break down - to。working or n properly。or to separate into smaller parts
34.Break in - to enter a place by force or XXX
35.Break out - to start XXX
42.Call in - to request someone to come or visit
43.Call on - to visit or make a request to someone
44.Call up - to make a phone call or XXX
45.Care for - to like or have an interest in something。or to take care of someone who is sick
46.Carry on - to continue doing something
47.Carry out - to XXX something
48.Catch up with - to reach the same level or n as someone or something
49.Change into - to transform or convert into something else
50.Check in - to register or report one's arrival
51.Check out - to XXX something。or to pay and leave a hotel
52.Clear up - to tidy or organize something。or for the weather to e clear
53.Come across - XXX
54.Come back - to return to a place or activity
55.Come down - to descend or decrease in value or amount
70.Day and night - XXX
71.Deal with - to handle or manage a XXX
72.Depend on/upon - to rely on or XXX
73.Die out - to XXX
78.Each other - XXX
21.As far as I know。he is the best XXX.
22.She looked at me as if she had never seen me before.
23.As long as you finish your work。you can leave early.
24.XXX arrived。XXX working on the project.
25.As usual。XXX.
26.We need to buy apples as well as oranges for the party.
37.It takes time to build up a successful business.
38.By chance。I ran into an old XXX.
39.I prefer to travel by air rather than by car.
40.In XXX。the XXX.
41.By the way。have you seen my keys?
56.She comes from a small town in the Midwest.
57.Please come in and make yourself comfortable.
58.Come on。we don't have all day!
59.The flowers come out in the springtime.
60.The bill comes to $50.
61.Her dream of XXX.
62.The sun is starting to come up over the horizon.
63.XXX project.
64.The view from the top of the mountain is often compared to a painting.
65.He compared his test scores with his classmates.
66.I XXX.
67.The XXX cities.
68.They plan to cut down the old tree in the backyard.
69.The storm knocked down the power lines。XXX.
74.The new product is different from XXX've XXX.
75.We need to divide the work into smaller tasks.
76.She did her best to finish the project on time.
77.He needs to do some cleaning before the guests arrive.
80.You can either stay here or come with us.
81.XXX party.
82.Even if it rains。we'll still have fun.
85.Let's meet face to face to discuss this issue.sort of英文
86.I usually fall asleep within minutes of getting into bed.
