1. 他是个喜欢做而不喜欢说的人。
He is a man who prefers doing to talking.
2. 她是那种在人中很显眼的人。
She is the sort of person that stands out in a crowd.
3. 很难看到男生不喜欢打电脑游戏。
It’s quite a rare sight to see a boy who doesn’t love computer games.
4. 机会是留给有准备的人的。
The opportunities are meant for people who have prepared for them.
5. 运气眷顾那些自立的人。
Fortune favors those who depend on themselves.
6. 对溜冰感兴趣的人请到学生会报名。
Those who are interested in skating please sign up at the Students’ Union.
7. 这男孩先天失明,在音乐方面很有天赋。
The boy, who has been blind from birth, has a great talent for music.
8. 我心中有些疑惑,百思不得其解。
I have in mind some doubts which really confuse me.
9. 我自愿参加了一个帮助残疾儿童的活动。
I volunteered for a program that assists disabled children.
The fire which lights us at a distance will burn us when near.
11. 我把成功归功于我的朋友,他们帮了我很多。
I owe my success to my friends, who helped me a lot.
12. 新年快到了,我们在教室里张贴了一些新年饰品,增添了节日的气氛。
With the New Year drawing near, we put up New Year decorations in the classroom,
which added to a festive atmosphere.
13. 我和爷爷奶奶住在乡下,那地方很远。
I live with my grandparents in the countryside, which is a long way away.
14. 她求助无门。
She has nobody that she can turn to.
15. 听约翰唱歌是一桩乐事,能使我们打起精神。
John’s singing is a joy to listen to, which can cheer us up.
16. 通过为别人服务,一个人会关注别人而不是自己,这样做能开阔眼界,并从中受益。
By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself, which can be very eye-opening and rewarding.
17. 老师用简单的语言解释语法规则,学生很容易理解。
The teacher explains grammar rules in simple words, which are easy for students to follow.
18. 结果,我妻子赢得了她所在年龄组的第一名。
As it turned out, my wife won first place in her age groups.
19. 长城就是你来北京游览时不能错过的那个地方。
The Great Wall is the very place that you cannot miss when you visit Beijing.
20. 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他们立志要成为伟大的人。
The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man.
1. 我喜欢乡村是因为那里有清新的空气和大自然的美。
What I like about the country is the sweet air and the beauty of nature.
2. 父母的言行会影响孩子一生。
What parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.
3. 使我烦恼的是期末考试临近了。
What bothers me is that the final exams are coming soon.
4. 我邀请谁参加聚会与你无关。
It’s none of your business who I invited to the party.
5. 让人恼火的是,我已经给他的手机打了大约十次了,就是没人接。
It’s annoying that I’ve called his cell phone about ten times but got no reply.
6. 在读下面这篇文章前,我们来查查看今天谁没来上课。
Let’s check who is not here for the class before we read the following passage.
7. 倾听是一种优秀的品质,那是维系友谊所需要的。
Being a good listener is a good quality and that’s what it takes to keep friendship.
8. 你考虑过如果拿不到奖学金你该怎么办吗?
Have you considered what you’ll do if you don’t get the scholarship?
9. 我们尝试一下这个实验,看看会出现什么情况。
Let’s try the experiment and see what will happen.
10. 妈妈出去了,我终于可以专注于我喜欢的事情了。
My mother was out and I could give full attention to what I love at last.
11. 我忍不住想知道下一步我该干什么。
I can’t help but wonder what I should do next.
12. 等你上了大学,你就会逐渐意识到中学时光是多么的宝贵和美好。
sort of up to造句
You will get to realize how valuable and lovely the high school time is after you go to college.
13. 我们看看说明书上怎么写的。下面列了一些例子。
Let’s see what the instructions say. Some examples are listed below.
14. 不忘初心,这是最重要的事。
Never forget why you started. That’s the main thing.
15. 吉姆从不信赖别人,不知道他是否能把你的建议听进去。
Jim never counts on others and I wonder if he would take your advice.
16. 不知这些果蔬沙拉合不合你的口味。
I wonder whether these mixed fruit and vegetable salads are to your taste.
17. 我爸爸不愿意承认自己错了。
My father is not willing to admit that he was wrong.
18. 我从不怀疑他讲的是实情。
I never doubted that he was telling the truth.
19. 如果雨再不停的话,我看明天的比赛就成问题了。
If the rain doesn’t stop, I doubt if we can have the game tomorrow.
20. 人们对这位有创造力的艺术家是否应该得奖存在很多争议。
There was much lively debate over whether this creative artist should get the prize.
21. 你能查一下运动会是什么时候被取消的吗?
Can you find out when the sports meeting got canceled?
22. 我猜不透她的心思。
I can’t figure out what’s on her mind.
23. 我想不明白她是怎么完成任务的。
I can’t figure out how she got the task done.
24. 不管别人怎么说,汤姆都坚决捍卫自己认为是对的事情。
Tom stood up for what he believed to be right regardless of what others said.
25. 她对衣着很讲究。
She’s very particular about what she wears.
26. 如果你清楚自己想要什么,就去做吧。
If you are clear what you want, just do it.
27. 新电脑如何工作,汤姆了如指掌。
Tom is clear how the new computer works.
