Unit 4
1.Where were you born ?
2.May I introduce myself ?
3.Which class shall I be in ?
4.Why do you want to work for this company ?
5.Would you please say something about yourself ?
6.Were you born on May 6th or June 5th ?
7.Has your father played a key role for you ?
8.What do you think of your math teacher ?
9.Did you get along with your neighbors ?
10.Have I ever seen you before ?
11.Y ou have many relatives, don’t you ?
12.Is his uncle a teacher or a doctor ?
13.Could you lower your voice please? I really want to sleep.
14.When did you buy the new sofa ?
15.Is the table booked yet ?
16.Is there anyone to maintain the environment here ?
17.It is your turn to clean the kitchen, isn’t it ?
18.Which cinema do you like better, Merry or West ?
19.How do they usually go to school ?
20.When do you usually get up ?
21.What do you like to have for breakfast ?
22.Do you help your mother to clean the house on weekends ?
23.Y our father enjoys reading, doesn’t he ?
24.Do you like to watch Tv at home or travel out during your holiday ?
25.Does he usually go to the library ?
26.How many classes do you have today ?
27.What was your cousin’s major in college ?
28.Y our English teacher always asks you to discuss in class, doesn’t he ?
29.What do you usually do in your spare time ?
30.Who do you often turn to for help with your studies, teachers or classmates?sort of up to造句
31.What are your hobbies?
32.Do you like collecting stamps?
33.Y ou are interested in literature, aren’t you ?
34.How long has your brother been playing basketball ?
35.Which kind of film does your sister prefer, action or science fiction ?
36.Why are you so keen on attending parties ?
Unit 6
37.Why are you upset today ?
38.Y our grandma feels lonely living alone, doesn’t she ?
39.What are you worrying about, his ability to live on his own or adapt to the new
environment ?
40.This is your first appearance in a speech comptition. Are you nervous ?
41.Why is she crying all the time ? What has happened ?
42.Did he have a good time at the birthday party last night ?
43.How many people are there in your family ?
44.May I take a picture here ?
45.Let’s go to a film next week, ok ?
46.Who influences you more, your mother or your father ?
47.Do you know how to get to the nearest hospital ?
48.When should I turn in this paper to you ?
49.What do you plan to do this summer vacation ?
50.May I take three days off ?
51.Y our brother wants to be a wondful pilot, doesn’t he ?
52.What present do you want for your holiday ?
53.What will you do after graduation, work or study further ?
54.Could you tee me something about your life in England ?
Unit 7
55.What is the most important festival in China ?
56.Is Mid-autumn Day a legal holiday ?
57.How do English people celebrate Thanksgiving ?
58.We will have a one-month holiday starting next week. Is that right?
59.When is your birthday ?
60.Where did you spend the Spring Festival last year, in China or in America ?
61.Which floor has women’s wear ?
62.When would you like to go to the supermarket ?
63.He likes blue coats,doesn’t he ?
64.What size trousers do you like, medium of large ?
65.May I pay by credit card ?
66.Do you have anything cheaper?
67.Do you want your coffee with some sugar ?
68.When do you have dinner every day ?
69.Many westerners can also use chopsticks, can’t they ?
70.Which do you prefer, beef or pork ?
71.What kinds of Chinese dishes do you like ?
72.How do you like the drink I got yesterday?
Unit 8
73.Does your father go to the dentist’s each month ?
74.How often do you climb mountains ?
75.How long has your daughter had a fever ?
76.Y ou’d better stay in bed for three days, Ok ?
77.When is the best time for exercise, morning or evening ?
78.Do you have regular meals each day ?
79.What is the temperature today ?
80.Did it snow here yesterday ?
81.Should I wear a T-shirt or a jacket tomorrow ?
82.It was very hot in Guangzhou last summer, wasn’t it ?
83.What did the forecast say about the weather in New Y ork tomorrow ?
84.How long will the cold weather last ?
85.Can you play golf ?
86.When did you learn how to swim ?
87.Which do you like better, classical music or popular music ?
