An Overview of a Surreal Story
A college freshman Ye Qiancui told LuLin, a post-graduate majoring in psychology something weird that she has experienced on her summer vacation with her classmates in Ping Liang: after fat fog falling, Ye Qian Cui was stranded in an old house which seemed to be built a century ago. WeiLie, a student; DuanYu and Bailing, a couple of lover were also stranded in the old house due to the fat fog.The four of them had been treated hospitably by the warmhearted hostess, ZhangYing, yet everyone was still restless as they sensed that the lady was quite quirky.Soon, ZhangYing and a servant vanished in the thin air. Penned up in the house, some of the four began to become irrational. First DuanYu became delirious and killed Bailing, and then WeiLie went to mad chopping Ye Qiancui at the rear of her head with a knife and this led to her coma. When she came back to consciousness, she found herself lying in hospital. Told by a classmate she knew she stumbled over mountain side dropping to ground because of the thick fog and so badly was her brain injured that what she said may just be out of hallucination
YeQiancui was skeptical about it and appealed to Lu Lin for an explanation based on psychology knowledge. LuLin had no way explaining away her doubts from her strange journey but fell in love with her at first sight. One of his good friends JangBei (also a post-graduate -student majoring in psychology)feared Lulin’s love would grow deeper, she decided to take an investigation privately as she hold that YeQiancui was suffering from syndrome of hysteria.The first person JiangBei met with is WeiLie, the key figure in YeQiancui’s experience. But the man indicated clearly that he had never been in PingLiang, much less to know the woman ZhangYing.Shocked by his words,, LuLin began to suspect YeQiancui of her the very cerebral illness which can be a Paranoea or hallucination.
LuLin’s supervisor has been entrusted by the police to verify the mental illness of the suspected DuanYu. He was accused of having killed his girlfriend Bailing during their vacation in Ping Liang. He confession also mentioned the thick fog and the quirky hostess Zhang Ying in the old house.
sort of house翻译 Although this confession could prove that what was in Ye Qiancui’s mind was true. However, it is quite weird that the previous experience could come into Ye Qiancui’s real life. JiangBei obstinately maintained that this murder case was a sensational event in PingLiang that may boost Ye Qiancui’s imagination up.
While in the verification of mental illness on DuanYu, LuLin and his supervisor passed the name “Ye Qiancui” to DuanYu, he shook his head and denied to know and pointed out that there were only two people in the old house on that day. Something Lu Lin attempted to sting Duan Yu with the pet phrase of BaiLing he was told by Ye Qiancui. Duan Yu was so astonished at the pet phrase and doubted why LuLin could know the phrase. LuLin was astonished too. Ye Qiancui was supposed not to know such phrase even for her hysteria symptom.
The question whether Ye Qiancui was suffering from hysteria or not disturbed LuLin; however, he couldn’t dispel the hearty love with her. Instead, he kept more frequent contact
with her. At this very moment, he saw a mystical girl time and time again who was the same in appearance but different in character and airs.
Ye Qiancui told Lu Lin that this girl named Ye Youhong is her newly-found twin sister. Lu Lin felt that the girl was kind of crafty.So he followed her one day to a school’s forbidden place: Pine spinney, where he found a number of white mice.
In his supervisor’s point of view, the missing linkage should be the old house and the hostess ZhangYing. But DuanYu’s father definitely told everyone that there was not a known old house or ZhangYing in PingLiang as he had already done a thorough survey there. Maybe, the old house was Zhang DeFang’s Inheritance? After asking ZhangYi Wen LuLin, the identity of ZhangYing came to light: she was a love baby to ZhangDeFang.
The sudden death of Zhang Yiwen on the next day made LuLin feel guilty for the death might be caused by his visit. To get to bottom of the truth behind the sudden death, Entrusted by the police, LuLin’s supervisor hypnotized A Rong, the housekeeper of ZhangYi Wen. The scene shocked everyone present: a mouse was coming out of the mout
h of A Rong.To find out the person behind the mice-killer, LuLin reentered the Pine spinney and caught gnawing by mice and this nearly called his life.
DuanYu’s parents begged Ye Qiancui to go court testifying his sun’s mad condition at that time of murdering. Even though she was fully aware of that her words would come to nothing but regarded as hallucination. As a kind-hearted girl, she did as DuanYu’s parents asked.
One high school classmate of Ye Qiancui named Dai Lei held a long-time obsession to her. He had been tracing her and sending about her illness to let everyone away from her. Now his love with her was turned to grudge against her just because of the intimacy between her and LuLin.The poor guy had ended up with being hypnotized by Ye Youhong and dead in the suicide-like way, the same way reoccurred in the Pine spinney.