When we were young ,we were often asked”what do you want to be in the future?”The answer might be various:doctor, actor, lawyer, or maybe a president? But when it comes to”what is your plan about your career?”, the answer is much more complex. What I want to express is that although the terms “job” and “career” often sound similar, actually, they are different. Now I am going to talk about difference and connection between them.
What is a Job?
After graduating from the college,most of us are going to get a job. What is the goal of a job? Maybe it’s just to earn money or to stay social and active. A job is defined as anything a person is expected or obliged to do; a piece of work, especially a specific activity done as part of the routine of one's occupation . No matter whitch domain you work in ,your job will involve doing a specific set of tasks using a specific skills.Jobs are important for people of all ages. It is an activity through which an individual can earn money.
What is a Career?
"Career" is, on the other hand, defined as a person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking. A career is a vocation that is pursued as your life’s work. It is the pursuit of a lifelong ambition or the general course of progression towards lifelong goals. A career also provides you with the money you need for daily life, but there is often more to a career than just a job. When considering one’s career, many things should be taken into account, such as interests, skills, and talents.
What’s the difference between a job and career?
sort of career翻译Many college students get a part-time job in order to have extra pocket money.It’s a sort of job, but you are not likely to regard it as a career. Why? The answer lies in the end goal. A career is a lifetime journey of building and making good use of your skills, knowledge and experiences. It is the total of all events and relationships in our lives: family, friends,education, work, and leisure activities. One may take up a job to fulfill his daily needs but it may not be the course of action he wants for his life. So a job is short term.
Besides, while one can work very hard at a job and be paid well to work a job, a career takes much more motivation and forward-thinking effort than a job. What you want to get most from a job is salary. Few people, however, feel passionate or committed to a job. It does not necessarily make you want to get up in the morning, take an interest in what you do, or provide you with fulfillment. A job provides the basics — cash and an activity. On the other hand, A career allows you various opportunities for advancement, for personal growth, for personal challenges and for personal satisfaction. Someone on a career track wants to learn more about his career and network with his colleagues to create further opportunities. He is willing to take risks to further himself. He is more concerned with job satisfaction, and pay may be secondary.
Moreover, the difference also reflect in future outlook. People with a job may plan to hold it for a fixed amount of time. Once the basic need for that income is eliminated, most people are more than happy to quit their job. They may later take up a new job in a similar or different field. People view their career as a life-long endeavor. While they might not plan to be at the same company, they hope to do the same type of work even until they retire. Man
y career people continue with their career as a consultant after they officially retire.
What’s the connection between a job and career?
Every job is a part of your career. Some workers spend forty years in the same department at the same company. This is a career in the traditional sense of the word. But someone’s working life is also a career even though his/her jobs are largely unrelated, as long as this is what he/she persues for the whole life. A career may be made up of several jobs, whether they’re directly connected or not. Each one of them is important.
Every job provides skills and resources for the future. Whether a job or career is the right fit for you will depend on your stage of life. Jobs can help people start careers in many ways – experience, knowledge, learning about what they like and dislike. A career takes goal setting and education (through college, work experience, or self-learning). Each job can be helpful for you to understand your career and your goal better.