新概念3词组,句子 ,搭配总结
1. 海关关员 customs officers
2. 相当容忍 quite tolerant
3. 穿过绿通道 get through the Green Channel
4. 没啥要申报 have nothing to declare
5. 被搞得很内疚 be made to feel guilty
6. 老练专业的走私者 hardened professional smuggler
7. 另一方面 on the other hand
8. 从不被这种感觉而麻烦 is never troubled by such feelings
9. 有五百支金表藏在箱子里  have five hundred golden watches hiddern in suitcase
10. 从国外回来 return from abroad
11. 尤其爱麻烦的 particularly officious
12. 看着眼睛 look me in the eye
13. 打开这个箱子  unlock the suitcase
14. 仔细检查了箱子 go through the case with great care
15. 打包如此认真 pack so carefully
16. 在一片混乱中 in a dreadful mess
17. 脸容光焕发 face light up
18. 看到一个小瓶子 spot a tiny bottle
19. 高兴的扑上去 pounce on it with delight
20. 讽刺的问 ask sarcastically
21. 不免进口税 is not exempt from import duty
22. 笑着补充道 add with a smile
23. 我自己做的 I make myself
24. 催促的说 say encouragingly
25. 拧开盖子 unscrew the cap
26. 把瓶子放在鼻孔 put the bottle to his nostrils
27. 扑面而来不好闻的味道 be greeted by unpleasant smell
28. 使他相信。。。convince him that.
29. sort of noble赶紧离开 hurry away
30. 我们当中的大多数 most of us
31. 形成了一个不现实的想法/画面 form an unrealistic picture
32. 某种天堂 a sort of paradise
33. 画面的另一面也十分不同 the other side of the picture is quite the opposite
34. 荒岛生活十分艰苦  life on desert island is wretched
35. 饿死或者像鲁滨孙那样过日子 starve to death or live like robinson
36. 珊瑚岛 coral island
37. 多么希望曾经在那多停留一段时间 wished they had stayed there longer
38. 乘着严重损坏的船只 take a badly damaged boat
39. 开始下沉 begin to sink
40. 将皮筏艇里装满了。。。load the rubber dingy with
41. 划船划几英里 row for a few miles
42. 被证明是个问题 prove to be a problem
43. 随身带着捕鱼 bring a spear gun with them
44. 正如。。。所说 asput it
45. 十分遗憾。。。be genuinely sorry that
46. 把在珊瑚岛上的生活想成是。。。imagine the life on a coral island to be
47. 化妆舞会 a fancy-dress party
48. 装扮成鬼 dress up as a ghost
49. 急于试穿 be impatient to try it on
50. 服装只是一张床单 costume only consist of a sheet
51. 进入饭厅 enter the dining room
52. 敲门声 a knock on the door
53. 吓到这个可怜的家伙 frighten this poor man
54. 听见前门打开 hear the front door open
55. 读电表 read the meter
56. 解释情况 explain the situation
57. 大叫 let out a cry
58. 向后跳了几步 jump back several paces
59. 使劲关门 slam the door
60. 贵族歹徒 a noble gangster
61. 曾经有一个时期  there was a
62. 店主与商行老板  owners of shops and businesses
63. 花大笔钱换取保护 pay large sum of money in return for protection
64. 钱没能及时付    money isnt paid promptly
65. 使某人失业    put sb out of business
66. 收取保护费    obtain protection money
67. 现代犯罪    modern crime
68. 早在14世纪    as long ago as 14th century
69. 有了一个惊人的发现  make the remarkable
70. 宁可做A也不做B  would rather do A than do B
71. 使他们一生的事业被毁  have their life work destroyed
72. 带着一帮士兵  with a band of soldiers
73. 出名了 made a name for oneself
74. 意大利人叫他。。。  came to be the Italians
75. 城邦间处于战争  city-states were at were with each other
76. 把他的士兵雇给君主  hire his soldiers to the princes
77. 愿意出他所要的高价  be willingly to pay the high price he demanded
78. 在和平年代  in times of peace
79. 进入城邦  march into city-state
80. 烧毁一些农场  burn down a few farms
81. 主动要求离开 offer to go away
82. 以这种方式赚了不少钱  make a large sum of money in this way
83. 即便如此  in spite of this
84. 认为他是个某种英雄 regard him as a sort of hero
85. 国葬 state funeral
86. 献给。。。Was dedicated to
87. 纪念 英勇的士兵和杰出的领袖  memory of valiant soldier and notable leader
88. 喜欢零花钱 appreciate small gifts of money
89. 经常给零花钱  provide a regular supply of pocket money
90. 额外收入来源  a source of extra income
91. 少量钱可以花很久 small sums go a long way
92. 50便士拿来换糖 50pence are exchanged for sweets
93. 在存钱罐里响好几个月  rattle for months in the money box
94. 对于买。。。是一笔小钱  a small price to pay for
95. 在那被到/达到  find their way there
96. 建议某人做某事  advise sb to do
97. 50便士的麻烦 50 pence worth of trouble
98. 沿着人行道跳了几下  bounce along the pavemenr
99. 掉入阴沟 disappear down a drain
100. 卷起袖子  roll up sleeves
101. 将胳膊伸进阴沟盖里 push an arm through the drain cover
102. 还有就是  what is more
103. 把胳膊拿出来  get his arm out
104. 一人聚集在他周围 a crowd of people gathered round him
105. 给他手臂上涂黄油  rub him arm with butter
106. 卡的很紧  be firmly stuck
107. 消防队被叫来了 brigade was called
108. 消防员使他重获自由  fire fighters freed him
109. 一种特殊的润滑油  a special type of grease
110. 听说了他的遭遇  heard abt his troubles
111. 奖励他一盒巧克力  reward him with a box of chocolate
112. 住在一个叫xx的小村庄    live in the tiny village of XXX
113. 在希腊南部    in southern Greece
114. 珍贵的财产    prize possession
115. 把它拴在树上  keep it tied to a tree
116. 去牵它    go to fetch it
117. 很明显。。。  it is obvious that
118. 从田地里回来  come in from the fields
119. 出发去做某事  set out to do
120. 证明困难  prove difficult
121. 在如此的小村庄  in such a small village
122. 告诉几个朋友关于偷窃的事  tell several of his friends abt the theft
123. 得到了一个新的羊  acquire a new lamb
124. 生气地谴责他偷窃  angrily accused him of stealing
125. 最好归还不然报警  had better return it or he would call the police
