In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else
Nowadays, people always look forward to being succeeded, so they would find different ways to achieve it. Some prefer to follow what most people are doing, while others prefer to find a new way which is different from others. As far as I am concerned, I believe that it is easier for people who act different from others to succeed than people who always imitate others.
First of all, to succeed, people should do better than others to win the attention of the person who may influent their career---bosses, cooperators, investors, etc. discovering your potential, they may provide more chances for you to develop---job promotion, cooperation opportunities, programs investment, etc, and you could succeed easily. Around me there are many people who just do what they are told by their boss; finishing all the jobs quickly and have a relaxation is all they want--- hardly do they hand in a work which is out of the boss’s expectation. With this attitude, a person can hardly succeed. In this situation, certainly will the boss be fond of those who always not only accomplish the work but also do the work excellently. Therefore, when people are doing the same things, only if you do prominently, others would pay more attention to you and you could be succeed easily.
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What’s more, everything in the world would have its own suitable situations and everyone is different that we should not imitate them sightlessly and need to find a way which is suitable for us.  Some people prefer to be an accountant because they good at math, some people prefer to study literature because they good at writing, and some people prefer to learn filming because they love watching movies. All the people have their own interests and we need to find out what we are really interested in and not follow them without any thinking. When you decide to imitate a person’s behaviors, you need to think whether his background is similar with you and whether his minds are the same with you. Therefore, in order to succeed, you need to be a real person who has their own mind, its own interests and its own developing ways.
All in all, there are so many successful people in our world, everyone want to be one of them. However, success doesn’t come easily and everyone needs to find they own way to succeed. You could never be succeed when you are only imitate others behaviors. In the future, I think a large number of people would find suitable ways to help them to succeed.
