in order to同义句转换
"为了" 是 "in order to" 的同义短语,有多种替代表达方式。以下是一些可以用来替换 "in order to" 的同义短语:
sort of in order1. So that: I bought a new laptop so that I can work more efficiently.(我买了一台新笔记本,以便我能够更高效地工作。)
2. To: She studied hard to pass the exam.(她努力学习,以便通过考试。)
3. For the purpose of: He attended the training for the purpose of improving his skills.(他参加培训,目的是提高自己的技能。)
4. With the aim of: We started a new marketing campaign with the aim of reaching a wider audience.(我们启动了一场新的营销活动,旨在触及更广泛的受众。)
5. In order that: She saved money in order that she could travel during the summer.(她省钱,以便她能在夏天出游。)
6. So as to: I woke up early so as to catch the first train.(我早起,以便赶上第一班火车。)
7. For: He exercised regularly for better health.(他定期锻炼,以求更好的健康。)
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8. To the end that: We worked hard to the end that we could complete the project on time.(我们努力工作,以便能够按时完成项目。)
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