Exercise 1:
1) extremely urgent 十万火急
2) underestimate one’s capabilities 妄自菲薄
3) commit the same error 重蹈覆辙
4)full of conceit 目空一切
5) miss a good chance 失之交臂
6)fellow sufferers 难兄难弟
7) make a superficial change 换汤不换药
Exercise 2:
1. His achievement in his study was the envy of all his classmates.
2. They say such scandalous things about you out of envy.
3.London is a city invaded by tourists.
4. Guangzhou boasts an enormous airport.
5. He had lied to me and made me the tool of his wicked deeds.
6.John’s father sent him to the university and was eager to have him distinguish himself. (deserve to be noticed by doing something well)
7. His plane developed engine trouble only seven miles after takeoff.
8. Modern aircraft are so heavy that the wings must develop a very large lift force in order to sustain the aircraft.
9. Inspired by these ideas, in 1752 Franklin developed a practical lightning rod.
10. Most of the money came from selling the secret of a new type of potato he had developed.
11. Unfortunately, he developed tuberculosis.
12. In Sichuan, people are developing the rich resources which can make them rich.
sort of翻译Exercise 3:
1. With the passage of time, her admiration for him grew more and more.
2. The thief made a trembling confession of his wrongdoing.
小偷颤抖着交代了自己干的坏事。(adj.→adv.; n.→v.)
3. Observers have commented favorably on the achievement you have made.
观察家们对你取得的成就给予了很好的评价。(v.→n.; adv.→adj.)
4. Most students behave respectfully towards their teacher.
大部分学生对老师态度很恭敬。(v.→n.; adv.→adj.)
5. At the sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.
6. He is a perfect stranger in the city.
7. They gave him a hearty welcome.
8. Please give an accurate translation of this sentence.
请把这句话确切地翻译出来。(adj. →adv.)
9. He came to me with a luggage.
他拿着行李向我走来。(prep. →v.)
10. She came to my home for help.
她来到我家,请求帮助。(prep. →v.)
11. These chemical engineers don’t guarantee anything.
这些化学工程师不做任何保证。(v. →n.)
12. Originally he was from Sweden.
他的原籍是瑞典。(adv. →n.)
Exercise 4:
1. Mary washed for a living after her husband died of acute pneumonia.
Mary在丈夫患急性肺炎去世后, 就靠洗衣服维持生活。
2. First you borrow. Then you beg.
3. This computer is fine and cheap.
4. He was wrinkled and black, with scant gray hair.
他满脸皱纹, 皮肤很黑, 头发灰白稀疏。
5. He is a complicated man---moody, mercurial (活泼善变的), with a melancholy streak (痕迹, 条纹).
他是一个性格复杂的人---喜怒无常, 反复多变, 有些抑郁寡欢。
6. The president’s report summarized the achievements made in industries, agriculture and foreign trade.
7. The Americans and the Japanese conducted a completely secrete exchange of messages.
8. After all preparations were made, the planes were flown across the U.S. to San Francisco.
一切准备工作就绪以后, 飞机就飞越美国旧金山。
9. Profanity was tacitly given up.
10. He felt the patriot rise within his breast.
11. He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.
他让法官的职责战胜父子的私情, 因此最后他判决他儿子有罪。
12. There were rows of houses which he had never seen before.
一排排的房子, 都是他从来没有见过的。
13. Most were absorbed into the Russian empire through colonial expansion under the Tsars.
大部分是在历代沙皇统治下, 通过殖民扩张而并入俄罗斯帝国。
14. In every Chinese city, we got into the streets, shops, parks, theatres and restaurants.
在中国, 我们每到一个城市就遛大街、逛商店、游公园、看演出、吃名菜。
15. Inflation has now reached unprecedented level.
16. John tiptoed into the stable.
17. The sea is nice.
18. The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him.
原来是老头儿已教会孩子捕鱼, 所以孩子很爱他。
19. He was a teacher, but now he is a lawyer now.
他曾当过教师, 但现在是律师。
20. But that airy stylishness and cool wit is not as effortless to achieve as it is to watch.
那种飘逸潇洒的舞台仪态和稳健深沉的表演机智, 决非一之功, 可以说看起来容易, 做起来难。
21. It is a sort of heavy food.
22. The man approached unsteadily the water side, shouting an English street song.
那人跌跌撞撞地沿着港岸走过来, 嘴里无腔无调地唱着英国小调。
Exercise 5:
1. These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.