Unit 1
a great/good many
Stop complaining! A great many people would be happy to have work.
come along    (出现)
Mary practiced her spoken English whenever the chance came along.
dwell on
There’s no need to dwell on your past mistakes.
hand in hand 
Dirt and disease go hand in hand.
have something at heart
He is very poor, so he has the welfare at heart.
in contrast
In contrast to her elder brother, she was always considerate in her treatment of others.
  of one’s choice
  She married Jack, the man of her choice.
set aside
Setting aside at least an hour each day for learning new words is helpful.
be apt to
He is apt to lose his temper in difficult situations.
be prone to 
One is more prone to illnesses when one is tired and run-down.
cheer up
Chocolate always cheers me up when I’m sad.
in a…light
Try to see the problem in a new light, it will be much easier.
in the grip of
The country is in the grip of severe winter storms.
in the meantime
I didn’t see her for another five years, and in the meantime she had got married and had a couple of kids.
run for
Eric want to run for President in this year, for he has a good idea about how to manage this organization.
hold somebody back 
Mary could become a good musician, but her lack of practice is holding her back.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
in a … mood
The boss is in a bad mood today, do you know what has happened?
in part
The accident was due in part to my carelessness, but mainly to bad luck.
keep track of
It’s difficult to keep track of all the new ideas and developments in education.
reach out for
All kinds of opportunities will come your way, but you must reach out for them.
take credit
He shouldn’t take any credit, because the others did all the work.
unit 2
at the (very) thought (…)   
His heart beat rapidly at the very thought of what he was about to do.
choose to   
In the modern society, more and more people are choosing to live alone.
escape someone’s notice 
He escaped the notice of the guard at the door and went in.
jump to one’s feet 
She jumped to her feet as the teacher walked into the room.
now and again
As the final exam approaching, I still see her surfing the Internet now and again, but not as often as I used to.
rest assured (that) 
You can rest assured that I will never tell anyone. 
set off   
Smoke alarms can be set off by smoke from cigarettes, cooking and fireplaces.
slowly but surely
The organization is slowly but surely gaining the support of the public.
be consumed with/by   
He was consumed with guilt after the accident.
cast a spell on/over 
The beautiful island seemed to have cast a spell on him.
in place of 
I changed my mind. I want a red one in place of the blue one.
put an end to something
Only a political solution could put an end to the violence.
adept at   
She’s very adept at making people feel at ease.
sort of造句at will
As a actor, he has to be able to cry at will.
be greeted with/by
The news which our team had won was greeted with cheering.
behave oneself
Eric behaved himself during the evening party.
condemn someone to death
The prisoner was condemned to death.
conform to
Students will be punished for refusing to conform to school rlues.
hand (somebody/something) over   
The soldiers were ordered to hand over their guns.
of one’s own accord 
In many case the disease will clear up of its own accord.
take revenge on someone 
She took her revenge on him, for he killed her father.
with certainty
I’m unable to answer that question with certainty.
unit 3
after all  
I don’t know why you’re so worried, it isn’t your problem after all.
all too often
All too often doctors are too busy to explain the treatment to their patients.
cope with 
Young as she was, she could cope with the difficulties so well.
doze off 
The office was so hot that most of workers nearly dozed off at their desk.
in case of… 
In case of bad weather, the flight was delayed this morning.
