1. get into debt =run into debt 负债;out of debt 不欠债;get out of debt 还清债务; pay back/repay one’s debt 还债
2.adore doing sth.喜欢做… adore喜爱;疼爱;爱慕adore her son 疼爱她的儿子
3. be exhausted= be worn out筋疲力尽tire sb out
4.in the /in the 期待着;怀着希望`
5.名副其实live up to one’s reputation earn one’s reputation 赢得名声have a reputation for…以…而闻名
6.sound the alarm 发警报;敲警钟be alarmed at sth. 对感到惊恐;担心sound发出(警告等);(以…语调)发表vt.使出声,使发声;清楚地发出;宣布,发表;颂扬adj.健全的;合理的;完好的,无损的;明智的
7.make an outline 写提纲
8. give thought to 考虑;想到
into consideration/account考虑
9.be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事
10. remain modest and prudent 保持谦虚谨慎
remain to be seen the remaining ten dollars ten dollars left
11.beyond all praise 赞美不尽beyond all description 无法形容
12. address the meeting向大会讲话address the audience 向观众发表演说sth. be addressed to sb. …寄给某人
address oneself to sb. 致力于,忙着做
13.attachsth. to sth.在…上贴上标签attach to认为有(重要性、意义等);适用于
attach oneself to依附;参加(党派等);热爱, 依恋
be attached to依恋于;连在...上, 附属于;热爱
He attached himself to the expedition.他参加了那个探险队。
The blame for this accident attaches to the man who drove under the influence.
14. emphasize on着重于put emphasis on…把重点放在;着重于;强调
15.be equal to与…平等;等于;胜任;经得住equal vt.比得上;等于
16.be bent on doing 一心要做…;决心要做… bend one’s mind to do 专心致志做…bend sb to sth.迫使某人屈服;顺从
17.put [set] much [a high] value on [upon]对...给予高度评价; 重视
put [set) little value on [upon]对...评价不高; 不怎么重视
of no value没有价值的
18.acquire knowledge of求得...的知识language acquisition 语言的学习
sort of造句
19.be annoyed to do sth.对生气;恼火
20.sort out整理好;挑出;分类sort out from把...从...挑出来
sort well with sth.同某物相称, 同某物协调
out of sorts身体不适;觉得不舒服, 情绪不佳, 心里不自在; 【刷】铅字不全some sort of某种的, 仿佛, 多少有些
21.It occurred to me that ...我刚刚想到...
occur to sb.浮现在某人的脑海中; 被某人想到(strike-struck/ the answer hit me)
22.dismiss ... (from sw.)因解雇某人(解散;开除;驳回)
23 in need of需要in want of需要缺少
24. departure from 违反;违背;离开departure time 出发时间;起飞时刻
25.far beneath sb. 远不及某人be / be
26.function as 起作用=be used as (运行;起作用)
27.arise from ... 起因于由产生
28.去市中心go downtown
29. cast light on/upon 弄清楚;cast doubt on/upon 使人怀疑
be cast down 沮丧;不愉快;垂头丧气;失望The proud will be cast down.骄者必败
cast v.投射;投;抛;使…出演(某角);使产生怀疑n. (戏剧、电影的)全体演员
cast your vote投票cast of mind 思维模式
30.choke off 使…中断;阻止;抑制;限制(经济增长) 批评;责备
chokevt.& vi.阻止,扼止;填塞;使窒息;(使)噎住;哽咽n.窒息
be choked with挤满;塞满
1. 负债________________________不欠债________________________
2.adore doing sth.________________________
3. be exhausted________________________ tire sb out
4..期待着;怀着希望________________________ `
have a reputation for…
6.发警报;敲警钟________________________ be alarmed at sth.
8. give thought to ________________________
11.beyond all praise ________________________
12. address the audience________________________
sth. be addressed to sb. ________________________ address oneself to sb.
13.be attached to________________________
15.be equal to________________________
16.be bent on doing________________________ bend one’s mind to do bendsb to sth.________________________
17.put much value on ________________________of no value
18.acquire knowledge of________________________ language acquisition
