真题4: 口语教学活动
There is a country that does not put murderers to death as a punishment. For very savage murders, a criminal is sentenced to prison for the rest of his or her life. If a murder is not as savage and it can be proved that the murderer is not likely to kill again and is sorry for what he or she has done, the punishment may be only 20 years or less in prison .基本要求: ⑴朗读所给段落 (2)配合教学内容适当板书⑶针对段落内容,设计相应的口语教学活动
(4)用英文试讲(5)试讲时间:10分钟 答辩题目
(1)Why do you want to be an English teacher?
(2)Please introduce your teaching aims.
教案Teaching aims/objectives
Knowledge aims:
Students can learn some knowledge that different countries have different laws over the same crime.
Students will know how to introduce the differences of laws in different countries.
Ability aims:
Students' ability of reading can be improved, especially global reading and detailed reading.
Students can improve their speaking skills such as how to start a topic.
Emotional aims:
Students' awareness of cross culture can be aroused by learning English.
Students are able to get the confidence of speaking English.
Teaching key pointHow to help students read this passage fluently.
Teaching difficult pointHow to help students open the mouth and get the confidence of speaking English.
Teaching proceduresStep 1: Warming up & Leading in
Greetings: Teacher greet with students warmly.
Free talk: Firstly, show a segment of the movie The Shaw shank Redemption. Then ask students if they have watched this movie. Somebody says yes and somebody says no. Then tell them the topic of the movie is about prison and lead in the content of this lesson.
Step 2: Pre-speakingAsk students to look at the screen and teacher will read this short passage for students. Then ask one student to
conclude the main topic. And tell students this passage is about the different laws on murder.
Let students read this passage loudly, then try to find some words about murder laws. Then
sort of prisonask two students toanswer the question then write some words on the blackboard. Such as criminal, punishment, prison and murder.
Step3: While-speakingLet students work in groups of four, and speak loudly. Let students find more content about the same crime of different laws in different countries.
Then ask some students to share and write down some key words on the blackboard. Such as the theft the thief willbe sentenced to 7 to 10 years in France. In Spain, the thief will be sentenced according to the seriousness of the offence.
Step 4: Post-speakingAsk students to do a role-play, one is interviewer, the other is interviewee, interviewee should introduce the topic-
the same crime has different laws in different countries. Then change the roles.
Sharing: Invite some students to show their performance.
Give the evaluation according to their performance.
Step 5: Summary and homeworkThe students summarize and the teacher gives supplements timely.
Let students practice speaking their materials after class, and try to recite some good words or sentences.
in France7-10 years
in Spainseriousness
Dijferent laws in different countries, criminal punishment prison nnirder • • •G1G2-
试讲稿(开场白)Good morning, judges! I am No.12 candidate Its my great honor to present my lesson here. Today my
topic is Speaking teaching(可以转身板书)Now Please allow me to start my presentation.
Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Fine, great, not bad? Wow, I'm pretty well. Thanks for your asking. Look, there are two groups here,(板书)if you can think actively and answer correctly, you can get one point for your group. Let's see who will be the winner. Now are you ready for our English travel? Great. Let*s go.
First, lets watch a video clip. OK. My class, do you know the name of this movie? Yes, that is The Shaw shank Redemption. Have you watched it? Yes. It*s about prison and you can learn more truth from the movie. Now, lets move to our lesson.
Please look at the screen. And I will read this short passage for you. Then you can conclude the main idea of this passage. Are you clear? Good. Let's start. OK. Now who wants to make a conclusion? Amy, please. Great. She said this passage is about the different laws on murder. Do you agree with her? Yes, I agree with her, too. This time, my class, lets read this passage loudly and try to find some words about murder laws. You can underline the words or the sentences. Are you ready? Let's do it. Now, who wants to share with us?
Sam and your partner, please. You always be so active. You can find so many words. Terrific. Criminal, punishment, prison and murder. So my class, do you know what's meaning of criminal? That means someone break the laws. How about punishment? It's an act or a way of punishing somebody. I think you can guess the meaning of prison. Linda, can you try? Yes, you got it. It's a building where people are kept as a punishment for a criminal. On point for your group. So you have grasped some words about murder.
