在团队项⽬的开发之中。常常会存在多个环境或者版本并⾏开发。例如本地的test环境,演⽰环境的dev环境,已经正式环境。代码的管理可以使⽤git、svn 或者发布系统walle等。
D:\soft\MySQL\MySQL Utilities 1.6>
dbname_test:dbname_dev > D:\diff.sql
mysqldiff accepts the following command-line options:
Display a help message and exit.
Display license information and exit.
Specify the server to show transformations to match the other server. For example, to see the transformation for transforming object definitions on server1 to match the corresponding definitions on server2, use --changes-for=server1. Permitted values are server1 and server2. The default is server1.
Sets the client character set. The default is retrieved from the server variable character_set_client.
--difftype=difftype, -ddifftype
Specify the difference display format. Permitted format values are unified (default), context, differ, and sql.
Compacts the output by reducing the control lines that are displayed in the diff results. This option should be used together with one of the following difference types: unified or context.
Do not halt at the first difference found. Process all objects to find all differences.
--quiet, -q
Do not print anything. Return only an exit code of success or failure.
Connection information for the first server.
To connect to a server, it is necessary to specify connection parameters such as the user name, host name, password, and either a port or socket. MySQL Utilities provides a number of ways to supply this information. All of the methods require specifying your choice via a command-line option such as --server, --master, --slave, etc. The methods include the following in order of most secure to least secure.
Use login-paths from your .myloginf file (encrypted, not visible). Example : login-path[:port][:socket]
Use a configuration file (unencrypted, not visible) Note: available in release-1.5.0. Example : configuration-file-path[:section]
Specify the data on the command-line (unencrypted, visible). Example : user[:passwd]@host[:port][:socket]
Connection information for the second server.
To connect to a server, it is necessary to specify connection parameters such as the user name, host name, password, and either a port or socket. MySQL Utilities provides a number of ways to supply this information. All of the methods require specifying your choice via a command-line option such as --server, --master, --slave, etc. The methods include the following in order of most secure to least secure.
Use login-paths from your .myloginf file (encrypted, not visible). Example : login-path[:port][:socket]
Use a configuration file (unencrypted, not visible) Note: available in release-1.5.0. Example : configuration-file-path[:section]
Specify the data on the command-line (unencrypted, visible). Example : user[:passwd]@host[:port][:socket]
Produce a transformation report containing the SQL statements to conform the object definitions specified in reverse. For example, if --changes-for is set to server1, also generate the transformation for server2.
The reverse changes are annotated and marked as comments.
Ignore the differences between all table options, such as AUTO_INCREMENT, ENGINE, CHARSET, etc.). A warning is issued if the --skip-table-options option is used and table option differences are found.
The path to a file that contains a list of trusted SSL CAs.
The name of the SSL certificate file to use for establishing a secure connection.
The name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a secure connection.
mysql下载add produce
Specifies if the server connection requires use of SSL. If an encrypted connection cannot be established, the connection attempt fails. Default setting is 0 (SSL not required).
--verbose, -v
Specify how much information to display. Use this option multiple times to increase the amount of information. For example, -v = verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv = debug.
Display version information and exit.
Change the display width of the test report. The default is 75 characters.
