When do you give gifts or presents in your country
“礼物”话题是一直循环出现(de),旧题库中多出现于Part 1部分.与birthday话题联系考查.在近期(de)考题中怕向于出现在Part 2中.如"A gift you gave to a friend".对于这种话题,回答思路可来用“总分式”结构.
When it comes to some special festivals and special occasions, people usually give gifts, such as birthdays, weddings, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day.
In our country, there are many occasions to give gifts. We usually send gifts to each as a kind of sincere blessing. And there are some conventional rules for giving gills. For example, you shouldn't give a clock to somebody, because "sending a clock" has the same pronunciation as "the end of life" in Chinese.
Well, Chinese people send gifts on many festivals and occasions: house warming, graduation days, wedding anniversaries. In particular, most gifts are exchanged during the Spring Festival, which is a traditional festival celebrating the Chinese lunar new year.
sincere blessing 真诚(de)祝福
wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日
Do you ever take a gift when you visit saneone in their home  [Why/Why not ]
当你去别人家里拜访(de)时候会带礼物吗 (为什么 为什么不 )
Well, I guess it will be more thoughtful to do so. Most people see it's a kind act if you bring a small gift when visiting someone. It shows that you appreciate being there. Just like an old saying goes "Courtesy demands reciprocity, which signifies bringing gifts to each other is a good way to sustain the friendship.
Definitely However, it also depends on to whom I send the gifts during visiting. If it is for the elderly people, some healthcare products and multifunctional massagers would be suitable choices. If it is for the young people, they fancy those hi-tech products like iPad, PSP or some latest chic things. Actually, it's the thought that counts.
I prefer to send gifts when visiting someone's home. If I have an invitation to a house warming party, I will bring something that can be used to decorate their new home. If I am invited for dinner, I will bring a basket of fruit or home-made food there to show my care and love.
sort out什么意思中文意思thoughtful adj.体贴(de)
reciprocity n.互惠;互换
multifunctional massagers 多功能按摩器
count v. 重要.有价值;数数,计算
courtesy n. 礼貌
healthcare products保健产品
chic adj. 时尚(de)
When did you last receive a gift  [What was it ]
上次你是何时收到礼物(de) (什么礼物 )
回答可以按照when, what, why(de)思路组织语言,针对这三个要素做适当拓展.
The last gift that I received was a bottle of perfume on my birthday party. Because my boyfriend knows that I am a big fan of it. So far, I have a huge collection of perfumes and hope that they will increase in value some day.
The last gift I received on my birthday is the best one I have ever received. it was a handmade birthday card given by my confidante. It was a huge card with pictures of us together and beautiful graphic patterns that she drew. It didn't cost much but I love it because she really put her heart into it when making a memorable gift for my birthday.
Speaking of last gift, it is a letter I got from my parents in my first year of university. Considering that I suffered a lot from severe homesickness, they said lots of words to comfort me. It gave a feeling that my parents were with me, giving me the courage and care I needed badly. This gift is of special sentimental value to me.
