Previously on "The Good Doctor"... 「良医」前情回顾
Dr. Coyle -- He's a little too friendly. 科利医生他有点太过友好了
I'm sure he's just trying to establish a rapport. 我想他只是想和你融洽相处而已
I give great massages. 我按摩手法很棒
And I'll make a ****er omelet in the morning. 早上我会给你做一个好吃到*的煎
That's really inappropriate. 这真是太不合适了
I said no. 我说了不
You're approaching insubordination. 但你在违抗命令
You have to file a complaint with HR. 你得跟人事部提出投诉
They will shift the blame onto me. Like you did. 他们会把错怪在我身上就像你一
I've just been fired for physically assaulting an
So, why do I need to quit my job to have a family? 你为什么要我辞职去组建家庭Agreed. She can be a great lawyer and a great mom. 同意她可以既是优秀的律师又是
I don't want to have kids. 我不想要孩子
I don't need a therapist. 我不需要师
I want to make my own decisions. 我想自己做决定
I am done talking. 我不想再说了
- Now let's go. - ?No. N-No. -走 -不不
I don't want help! 我不需要帮忙
Where would he go? 他去哪了
Is there a place he likes to hang out? 有他想去的地方吗
I mean, he's not at the hospital. 他不在医院
And there used to be a picture here. 以前这里有一张照片
It means he's not coming back. 意思是他不会回来了
Hi. Good morning. 早上好
I'm Aaron Glassman. Dr. Glassman. 我是亚伦·格拉斯曼格拉斯曼医生I work with Shaun. 是肖恩的同事
Hi. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你
It's nice to meet you, too. May I speak with him, please? 也很高兴见到你我能跟他谈谈吗Shaun isn't here. 肖恩不在这
I know you've been helping Shaun, and I appreciate
but I really need to speak with him immediately. 但我需要立刻跟他谈谈
I'll definitely let him know when I see him next. 我见到他后一定转告他
I'm -- I'm sorry. 抱歉
What the hell are you doing? 你在干什么
Shaun, I know you're in here. 肖恩我知道你在这
I just -- I just want to talk, please. 我想跟你聊聊拜托了
You are way out of line. 你太过分了
Shaun, you have responsibilities. 肖恩你有责任在身
We've got to sort this out. 咱们得解决了
You have five seconds to get the hell out 给你五秒钟*出去
- Shaun. - or I'm calling the police. -肖恩 -不然我就**了
- Shaun, I just -- - What are -- -肖恩我... -搞什么
I just 我只想...
- - Shaun. -五 -肖恩
Shaun, she's calling the police. 肖恩她要**了
- - Is that what you want? -四 -你想这样吗
< 三
- - Okay, okay. -二 -好好
- one. - Okay, okay, I'm leaving. -一 -好好我走
It's just that Shaun has a-a tendency to run away from
And in Casper and medical school, 而在卡斯珀和医学院
people will give you a little bit of slack, but it -- 人们会敷衍了事但是...
now he's in a very hard-to-get job 他现在有份很难得的工作
in a very competitive environment 竞争非常激烈
where people do not give you a second chance. 那里的人不会给你第二次机会Still, not cool. 还是不行
If you speak with him will you call me, please? 如果你联系到他了请打给我Out. 出去
Yeah. 好
So, what's your plan now? 现在怎么办
I don't know. 不知道
I gotta say, he seems like a nebby, old jerk. 他就像个「狗拿耗子」的老混球And a bully. 还很霸道
What's "Nebby"? 「狗拿耗子」什么意思
Nosey. It's a Pittsburgh thing. 多管闲事匹兹堡的说法
I mean, you're a grown man. 你都是个成年人了
sort out什么意思中文意思If you don't want to talk to him, it's none of his business. 如果你不想跟他说话那就不关他
San Jose is too big. 圣何塞太大了
I get not liking San Jose. 我不喜欢圣何塞
I'm not the biggest fan myself, but -- 我自己不太喜欢但是
I don't want to see a therapist. 我不想去看师
So don't. 那就不看
I should go back to Casper. 我该回卡斯珀
I have a rule. 我有个原则
Never make an important decision while you are angry, 生气沮丧嗑嗨了或做爱前后upset, high, or right before or after having ***. 绝对别做重要的决定
Okay, you are overworked, stressed out, 好了你工作太累了压力太大
and pissed off at your boss. 还在生你老板的气
Now is not the time to be ****** a big decision. 现在不适合做重大决定
You need to take a break, clear your head. 你得缓口气让头脑清醒
You need a vacation. 你需要休假
I have to work five more months before I earn a
So call in sick. 那就请病假
I'm not sick. 我没生病
You're so adorable. 你真可爱
You don't have to be sick to call in sick. 请病假不是要你非得生病
Ah, I have so much to teach you, Grasshopper. 你有好多要学愣头青
And I'm gonna start with a good, old-fashioned road 先从一场舒适老套的旅行开始吧
It's the perfect way to get your mojo back.
这是重新振作的最佳办法 And when we return,
等我们回来了 you're gonna know exactly what to do about
你就会知道该如何处理 San Jose, therapy, and Glassy the Grouch.
圣何塞 和唠叨鬼小格 And all you have to do
要获得 to attain this superior wisdom and knowledge
这种高超的智慧和知识 is in...sick.
你只需请病假 Okay. Okay. I will.
好 好 我会的 Dr. Melendez. Got a case for you.
梅伦德斯医生 给你个病例 My schedule's pretty packed today.
我今天安排很紧 It's a patient of mine. She needs a kidney transplant.
是我的病患 需要做肾脏移植 You have a donor?
到捐赠者了吗 Her identical twin -- a perfect DNA match.
她的同*双胞胎妹 DNA 完全匹配 Why is she a patient of yours?
那为什么是你的病患 I put balloon tissue expanders under both girls' scalps 我在她们的头皮下放了球状组织扩
to prepare them for the separation surgery. 准备给她们做分离手术 Separation surgery? 分离手术
It's in six months, after they recover from the transplant. 等她们六个月后移植康复了再做 Of course, if you're 当然了 你要是太忙了
No. I'm in. 不 我来
- Where's Murphy? - He's not here yet. -莫菲在哪 -他还没来
Wrong day to be late. We're already shorthanded. 真会挑日子迟到 已经人手不足了 - Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. - I did not fire Kalu. -其实我想跟你说说这事 -我没有开除卡卢
And if you have a problem with it, talk to Andrews. 如果你对此不满 去安德鲁斯 Although, if you want my advice, don't have a problem with it. 但你要是想听我的建议 别心怀不满
Andrews is waiting to brief us on a new case. 安德鲁斯在等着新病患的简报 It's a kidney transplant on craniopagus twins. 给一对连头双胞胎做肾脏移植 Conjoined? 连体的
They're connected at the skull. 颅骨相连
Their entire renal-vascular systems are interdependent. 她们共用整个肾血管系统 Cool. 酷
Have either of you talked to Shaun? 你们有谁联系过肖恩吗 - No. - No, which isn't unusual. -没 -没 很正常
Is anything wrong? 出什么事了吗
No, no, not with Shaun. It's a family emergency. 不 肖恩没事 是家庭急事 He's gonna be out for a few days. 他要请几天假
He's supposed to get approval 私事请假需要得到
for any personal days from his attending. 他的主治医生的批准
Right, which is why I'm checking in. 对 所以我才来问问
I think he thought it was enough just to notify me. 我觉得他以为光通知到我就够了 You call in sick? 请病假了吗
I'm ready to go. 我收拾好了
No, you're not. 不 还没有
You're gonna need more than a family photo and a toothbrush. 只带一张家人的照片和一把牙刷是不够的
Go pack. 去收拾吧
Uh, where are we going? 我们要去哪里
Wherever the car takes us. 车到哪里我们就去哪里 I don't like the beach. 我不喜欢沙滩
Okay, I will let the car know. 好 我会告诉车的
Even with your cardiovascular issues, 即便你们的心血管有问题 a kidney transplant is a relatively safe procedure, 肾脏移植的风险也比较低 especially since, with identical twins, 更何况你们是同*双胞胎 there's no chance for organ rejection. 不会出现器官排斥
Just make sure you keep straight which one's which. 只是你得确保分得清谁是谁 The charming, pretty one has the good kidneys. 漂亮迷人的那位肾脏是好的 Don't worry. We always triple confirm. 别担心 我们一直都会再三确认 And we put everything in writing. 而且一切都会做好标记 And you're both charming and pretty. 而且你俩都很漂亮迷人 It was a joke, Mom. 开玩笑啦 妈妈
And smart. 还很聪明
They're gonna be Ivy Leaguers in the fall. 她们秋天就要去常青藤大学念书了 Yale and Harvard. 耶鲁和哈佛
Mom, you don't have to tell everyone you meet 妈 你不必见个人就跟人说
- where we're going to college. - Yes, I do. -我们考上了哪所大学 -当然要了 That's awesome. Congratulations. 太棒了 恭喜
So, who's going where? 谁念哪所大学
What do you think? She's totally obnoxious 你觉得呢 她简直太讨厌了 and thinks she's way funnier than she is. 以为自己比实际有趣多了 Definitely Harvard. 肯定是哈佛
Hey, don't make me start mocking your tattoo. 别让我嘲笑你的文身
I thought you would have your entire apartment 还以为你的**
strapped to your back. 会把你拖住呢
It takes me a long time to pack. - ?That's good. -我收拾了很久 -很好
An ****-retentive packer is the exact type of person 我就要你这种*扣细节的人 I'd want operating on me. 给我做手术
Lea, this -- this is your car. 莉亚 你的车在这
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're gonna take my other one. 对对 但我们开另一辆
Okay. What do you do at work? 好 你是做什么的
Do you really care what I do, or do you just want to know 你是真想知道我的工作 还是想知道
how someone with such a crappy apartment can afford two cars?
住那种破**的人怎么买得起两辆车 I just want to know how you can afford two cars. 我只想知道你怎么买得起两辆车 Yeah, I can't. 对 我买不起
Uh, my Grandpa Rod ***d last year, 我的祖父罗德去年去世了 and he left me his most prized possession. 他把最值钱的东西留给了我 It's the S-Striped Tomato. 「条纹番茄」车
Oh, my God. You like "Starsky & Hutch"? 天啊 你喜欢《警界双雄》 It's okay. 还好啦
A meticulous packer and a "Starsky & Hutch" fan. 打包一丝不苟 还是《警界双雄》
Grandpa Rod would have loved you. 祖父罗德会爱*你的
Okay. This is it. The road. 好 准备好了 上路
You sure you want to do this? 你确定要这么做吗
Speak now or forever hold your peace. 现在发话 不然就永远闭嘴 I'm sure. 我确定
Let's go, Lea. 走吧 莉亚
Here we go! 出发了
I hear Murphy's AWOL. 听说莫菲擅离职守了
He's taking a few personal days. 他请了几天私人事假
Unapproved personal days. 未经批准的私人事假
I approved them. 我批准了
It's not your job to approve them. 不该由你批准
Or to say you approved them to cover up the fact 或者说你批准是为了掩饰
that Murphy's frequent tardiness has escalated to absences.
莫菲最近已从迟到演变成旷工了 What do you want me to do, take a polygraph? 你想怎么样 给我做测谎吗 How about we jump into enhanced interrogation? 不如直接跳到升级审讯吧 Here, how about this? Do you want me to turn this on? 这样吧 要我把这个打开吗
When the board was reconsidering your hiring of Murphy,
董事会当时重新考虑你聘用莫菲 you assured us that if he was anything less than excellent, 你答应过 如果他表现得并不是非常出
he'd be dismissed and you would resign. 他会被辞退 而且你也会辞职 I trust you remember that. 我相信你还记得
I wouldn't have your movers pack up your office just yet.
我还不打算把办公室让给你 You can't protect Murphy forever. 你不能永远都护着莫菲
At some point, he needs to succeed or fail on his own. 有些时候 他需要自己经历成败 Okay, that's three hours on the warm ischemia clock 好的 肾移植热缺血灌注时间 of the transplanted kidney. 三小时
The ureter is attached to the bladder. 输*管与**相连
How's the kidney's placement in the iliac fossa? 肾脏在髂窝的位置如何 No kinking or twisting of the renal vessel. 肾脏血管无结节或扭曲 Good. 很好
You ready to close? 准备好关腹了吗
Yes. 准备好了
Your best bet is a continuous suture along the fascial layer.
你最好沿筋膜层进行连续缝合 Suture. 准备缝合
Donor's pressure's dropping. 供者血压下降
Okay, up the oxygen. 好了 提高氧含量
Jenny must be bleeding internally. 珍妮肯定有内出血
We're gonna have to open her back up. 我们得给她重新开腹
Staple remover. 起钉器
I like trees. 我喜欢树
Yeah? What else do you like? 是吗 你还喜欢什么
Besides reading medical journals and watching reruns of old cop shows? 除了看医学期刊和重播的老掉牙警匪剧
I like you. 我喜欢你
Well, who wouldn't? I'm very likeable. 谁不喜欢我 我这么招人喜欢 Why don't you like San Jose? 为什么你不喜欢圣何塞