Title: Help Li Hua Overcome Anxiety
Hi everyone, I want to share with you a story about my friend Li Hua and how we helped him overcome his anxiety. Li Hua is a smart and kind boy, but sometimes he gets really nervous and worried about things.
One day, Li Hua had to give a presentation in front of the whole class. He was so anxious that he couldn't stop shaking and his voice was trembling. We could see that he was really struggling, so we decided to help him out.
First, we told Li Hua that it's okay to feel nervous and that everyone gets anxious sometimes. We also reminded him that he is a great speaker and that we believe in him. The
n, we practiced his presentation with him and gave him some tips on how to stay calm and focused.
During the presentation, we sat in the front row and cheered him on. We smiled and nodded encouragingly, which helped Li Hua feel more confident. And you know what? Li Hua did an amazing job! He spoke clearly and confidently, and everyone clapped and cheered for him at the end.
After the presentation, Li Hua was so happy and relieved. He told us that he felt more confident and less anxious now. We were all really proud of him and happy to see him overcome his anxiety.
So remember, it's okay to feel nervous sometimes, but with the support of friends and some practice, you can overcome your anxiety and do great things. Go Li Hua! Go everyone! Let's all help each other and be there for each other. Thank you!
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