    Missy was absolutely my best friend in the whole world;, We had known each other since first grade, and we literally did everything together. We frequently visited each other's homes, we knew each other's families like they were our own. The interesting thing about our relationship, however the fact was that the older we got, the more our values seemed to differ.We still enjoyed a lot of the same things, but I was a bit more settled while she loved being associated with popular people and things. Although she was basically a good person, she had no problem with forcing things to go her way.
    Perhaps this is why it seemed that her family actually trusted me more than they trusted her. So, on the day when Missy showed up at my house with a huge dent (凹痕) in her father's car, I knew that we were in for a trouble some time.
    She had banged the car into a tree while out that day, and she knew her father was going t
o have an explanation. So she stopped by my house in order to make up a story that would lessen her father's rage. Missy decided to tell him that while in a parking lot, someone must have backed into the car and dented it. Looking at the dent with some crashed leaves and bark still sticking there,I attempted to perish(打消) her thought,“I don't think your father will buy it“Don't worry, she insisted,“even if my dad doesn't trust me, he'll trust you.”My role was to confirm for her. Now keep in mind that I had strong objections to lying and I wanted absolutely nothing to do with the situation. I loved her parents just like my own, and I did not want to be a party to this lie that Missy was creating. Nevertheless, after much request and a general questioning of my loyalty to our friendship, I decided that the least I could do was to act as a silent witness. That way, I wasn't actually lying; I just wasn't telling the full truth.
 注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右:
Paragraph1: An hour or so later, we presented Missy's father with the car and the inquiry b
Paragragh2:  Her father looked at me with great disbelief.
1第一段段首句写“一小时之后,我们才去 Missy 的父亲”为什么要过这么久才去呢?
可能 1:保持沉默,不拆穿 Missy 的谎言,默默表示认同
4.Missy 双方都特别熟悉彼此的家人,Missy 的父亲可能能看出我的异样。
可能 1:我沉默但别扭的样子可能让 Missy 父亲发现了异样,因为我一贯诚实,所以
Missy 父亲才会非常惊讶。
可能 2:我说出真相,没有选择守护我和 Missy 形影不离的友谊,这让 Missy 父亲非常惊讶。
这是友谊和诚实之间两难的抉择。如果写可能 1,选择了友谊,结尾要强调我心中对诚实的愧疚和思考:如果写可能 2,选择了诚实,结尾要强调我心中对友谊的愧疚和思考。
Paragraph l: An hour or so later; we presented Missy 's father with the car and the inquiry began.
1.[her father] 看到大凹痕,问发生了什么
sort out the facts
3.[her father]疑惑,再看向我
4.[我]的反应:可能 1: 保持沉默,默默认同:可能 2:纠结一番,还是说出了真相
Paragraph 2: Her father looked at me with great disbelief
3.[her father]的反应:看了我们一会儿,带着苦笑点点头
4.[点题升华]我突然明白了 her father 其实已经知道真相了,更羞愧难受自己丢掉了诚实
1.[我]的反应:不敢看 Missy,但心里总算松了口气
[Missy] 僵住,不再说话
2[her father] 安慰,谢谢我说出真相,并说不管发生什么事都不应该说谎
3[点题升华]选择诚实让我心安,也决定 Missy 好好聊聊
Paragraph l: An hour or so later; we presented Missy 's father with the car and the
inquiry began.
1. While checking carefully the huge dent that we had cleared away the leaves and bark(呼应原文).
her father asked in a rather calm voice,“So tell me what happened
原文 lessen her father's rage), her father asked quite calmly like the huge dent was nothing but asmall scratch刮痕
1.“Dad, someone backed into the car in the parking lot(呼应原文). And when I saw itI just couldn't
believe my eyes!”explained Missy in an exaggerated 夸张的 yet fluent voice of tone, trying to
make it sound more real
2.“Dad I guess it must be someone crashed into the car in the parking lot(呼应原文)! 'Cuz it was fine when I parked it but when I got to pick it up, it was just ” Missy blurted out 脱出 firmly with her prepared explanation, even adding a sort of innocence and pity in her tone
“Oh really?”Her father turned to me and looked right into my eyes to seek confirmation 寻求确认
1. But I couldn't tell him the truth! Honesty to the truth or loyalty to my friendship? Only one was available for me. So nervous and guilty was I that I couldn't bear the eye contact (衔接上文), so all
