英语中“用完了”use up,be out of sth.和run out of sth.的区别
1.be out of sth. 用完,用尽
(1). We are almost out of toothpaste. 我们的牙膏快用完了。
(2). The online supermarket will deliver goods to your home when you are out of eggs or anything else. 当你的鸡蛋或者其他东西用完的时候,在线超市会给你送货到家。
2.run out of sth. 用完,耗尽,花光
(1). Hurry up! We are running out of time. 快点!我们没有时间了。
(2). If I can’t find a job in a month, I will run out of money quickly. 如果我不能在一个月内到工作,我的钱很快就会花光。
(3). If we keep wasting water, we will run out of it. 如果我们继续浪费水资源,水资源就会用尽。
3.use up 用完,用尽
(1). I have used up my money and have to borrow some from my parents.
(2). You will use up your phone’s battery very quickly by playing this game. 玩这款游戏会让你的手机电池很快耗尽。
look v. 看
1.look about 寻,四周看看
Look about before crossing the street.
2.look after =take care of 照料,照顾
The children are looking after well in the kindergarten.sort out sth
3.look one’s age 看上去与年龄相同/相似
He doesn’t look his age.
4.look (a)round 转过头看,到处看看,慎重考虑 He looked around to see what happened.
5.look as if 看起来似,看来
He looked as if he had been ill.
6.look at 看,看待
They refused to look at my suggestion.
7.look back 回想,回顾
We like to look back the days in the university.
8.look down (up)on 看不起,歧视
Don’t look down upon the poor.
9.look for =search for=in search of=seek 寻,期待
The police are looking for the missing boy.
10.look forward(s) to+doing/sth 盼望,期望
Everybody is looking forwards to the festival.
11.look in 来访,参观
Please look in on us next time.
12.look sb in the eye/face 大胆正视某人
I dare look everybody in the face.
13.look into 调查,研究
A committee was set up to look into the matter.
14.look like 看起来象,好象是
He looks like a musician.
15.look on 看待,旁观
I don’t know how to look on this matter.
16.look on … as 认为,把…看作
I look on him as my brother.
17.look out 查出,出
look out=be careful=take care=watch out 当心
You can look it out in the book.
“look out”There is a dog!小心,有条狗
18.look out for 当心,注意,提防
Look out for the pick-pockets.
19.look over 审查,打量
You must look over the accounts(帐目).
20.look sharp 赶快
Come on, look sharp. We are late.
21.look through 温习,仔细检查,浏览
Let’s look through these lessons more carefully.
22.look to 负责,注意,朝向
Our school building looks to the south.
23.look up 仰视,看望,查阅,上涨,好转l look up to/on 尊敬
Don’t forget to look me up next time.
24.look sb up and down 上下打量某人
I looked the stranger up and down.
25.look up to 尊敬,敬仰
They all looked up to him as a good example.
look ahead 向前看,考虑未来
